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ttun Shenanigans and Arguments (2015 official thread)

...dumbest fanbase in sports.

With all due respect, you are wrong.

As dumb and misguided as that little fairy tale might be, they at least acknowledge that the late hit on Crable was actually a penalty and they do not insist on desperately trying to pass the call off as some high-level B1G conspiracy against them, their team and their coach.

A technicality? Perhaps....

But that little nugget places them ahead of the pedsters by a fine, fine hair.....
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With all due respect, you are wrong.

As dumb and misguided as that little fairy tale might be, they at least acknowledge that the late hit on Crable was actually a penalty and they do not insist on desperately trying to pass the call off as some high-level B1G conspiracy against them, their team and their coach.

A technicality? Perhaps....

But that little nugget places them ahead of the pedsters by a fine, fine hair.....

I differentiate by noting the difference between "dumbest" and "sickest" when referencing scUM and Pedsters
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Taking B1G COTY emeritus Ferentz's sloppy seconds now jim-bo? I guess when he looked at the roster and all he saw was sugga shane and bellomy even mediocre iowa qbs looked like an upgrade. :slappy:

They'd rather have the leader of Iowa's vaunted point-a-day offense starting instead of Shane Morris. M*ch*g*n will forfeit before that guy sees the field again.
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Taking B1G COTY emeritus Ferentz's sloppy seconds now jim-bo? I guess when he looked at the roster and all he saw was sugga shane and bellomy even mediocre iowa qbs looked like an upgrade. :slappy:
Bellomy is, sadly, gone. He was the owner of possibly the most pathetic stat line in major college QB history...

4-23, 17.4%, 46 yds, 2.2 ypa, 0 td, 4 int, -0.6 qbr

Of course, Suga Shane's isn't markedly better...

43-87, 49.4%, 389 yds, 4.4 ypa, 0 td, 5 int, 75.5 qbr
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