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ttun Shenanigans and Arguments (2015 official thread)

Don't take my following post too seriously Secret Service, but if you're gonna try and shoot a President...Well, he was a Wolverine.

Ok, I didn't mean that, seriously Secret Service, but I'm just sayin'...Wolverine.

I should've never posted this post. It was decades ago and I should be pardoned for my misstep...Most of my posts have been recorded, only 18 1/2 are missing.

Ok, Squeaky missed. I'm sorry for joking about this. There's got to be a statue of limitations on joking about this...Or not. I'm a fucking asshole, and I accept that...

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Dig that hole Saw31, you asshole (third person, bitches).

I am sure ATT girl got plenty of jobs without any consideration to her super-sized fun bags...If I could get a better look at them I'd have a more informed and appropriate response. Just sayin'.
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Cross thread cross posting.

That takes an extra-ordinary type poster. Someone who has experience on the forums and isn't afraid to take charge. He can't be afraid of criticism or to make a mistake. He wants the mouse in his hands in a pressure situation, when all eyes are on him.

I'm not this poster. In fact I'm biting my fingernails faster than John Cooper. Its just another post. I'm not gonna prepare for this post any more than every other post on the schedule.

Oh, and its 7-0 over Wiscy in the B1G Championship game (my dvr). Plunger prices still haven't come down since this game...
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