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ttun Shenanigans and Arguments (2015 official thread)

Suffice it to say that Brady Hoke is the lead recruiter for UM? Assuming the below "TEAM" is OSU considering the choice of color. So their family is better than our team? LOLOLOL


So it looks like #77 is playing quarterback this year? I suppose that's better than #98. Maybe next year #59 can be the quarterback.


Douche is eternal...
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RichRod was like the village idiot. Hoke was kinda like a misfit toy. I think I'm gonna be able to brew up some serious hatred for the new douchebag-n-chief up north. He's just got that same "I'm a cock gargler" face Desmond Howard has.
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The Mansons were a family.
The problem with family is you're stuck with them forever- even when it's clear they're a terrible influence on you and are preventing you from reaching your full potential, forever jeapordizing your future.

Here in an unrelated picture of Kyle Kalis (looking svelte thanks to the UM S&C program).


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