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ttun Shenanigans and Arguments (2015 official thread)


their family

Not enough rapists in that family.
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They upgraded their graphical recruiting and it still gets smoked by Sammy S.
I actually think their graphics team may be better than Sammy S. in terms of how smooth the graphic looks, but in terms of content he blows them out of the water. There's are always so corny and get in the way of good graphics/photoshop. Sometimes when Sammy puts a player's head on an OSU player's body it looks a little funky, but the overall message of the graphic is awesome and not laughable. JMO
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I actually think their graphics team may be better than Sammy S. in terms of how smooth the graphic looksx, but in terms of content he blows them out of the water. There's are always so corny and get in the way of good graphics/photoshop. Sometimes when Sammy puts a player's head on an OSU player's body it looks a little funky, but the overall message of the graphic is awesome and not laughable.
I'm fairly certain Michigan is staging a pile of pictures to photoshop them into, instead of reusing an existing photo. They're also doing it because Sammy did it first. He invented his own position and has spawned endless copycats.

Like you said, the caliber and design of the piece is what stands out. Theirs fits the Adidas brand beautifully. It's cheesy, awkward and over the top.
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I'm fairly certain Michigan is staging a pile of pictures to photoshop them into, instead of reusing an existing photo. They're also doing it because Sammy did it first. He invented his own position and has spawned endless copycats.

Like you said, the caliber and design of the piece is what stands out. Theirs fits the Adidas brand beautifully. It's cheesy, awkward and over the top.

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Don't take my following post too seriously Secret Service, but if you're gonna try and shoot a President...Well, he was a Wolverine.

Ok, I didn't mean that, seriously Secret Service, but I'm just sayin'...Wolverine.

I should've never posted this post. It was decades ago and I should be pardoned for my misstep...Most of my posts have been recorded, only 18 1/2 are missing.

Ok, Squeaky missed. I'm sorry for joking about this. There's got to be a statue of limitations on joking about this...Or not. I'm a fucking asshole, and I accept that...
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