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Game Thread tOSU vs. Virginia Tech, Sept 6th @ 8pm ET, ESPN & ESPN3 Skycam

It's all fun and games until you've had someone complain about you standing up when it was 4th down in a close game. The sad part is it's happened to me more than once on a touchdown too. If people are only going there to sit on their asses all day and complain about people who want to get up and cheer, why go?

The point being - if I paid my money for a ticket (not to mention parking, dealing with the nominally intelligent Columbus drivers, etc), I am going to cheer as I see fit, and not as someone else sees fit. Your observation about the atmosphere becoming stuffy is right on point in my IMO.
Agreed. The only action I would be pissed at people standing is for the halftime show. That's sit on my ass and enjoy the show while I rest my pathetically weak legs time.
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Agreed. The only action I would be pissed at people standing is for the halftime show. That's sit on my ass and enjoy the show while I rest my pathetically weak legs time.

That seems to happen often. You get these idiots who decide they need to stand up the entire halftime to stretch their legs, but they don't want to stand on, or walk around, the concourse because then they'd miss the halftime show. So they stand with no regard for anyone behind them. At halftime.
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So all the talking heads keep mentioning about how Ohio State got gashed for 350+ yards, but neglect to mention they held that same offense to 17 points (4th lowest point total against any FBS team played by the top 25)

Last I heard it's more important to prevent points than it is to prevent yards. Looks like we'll learn more about Navy this Saturday when they play a team that demolished an almighty SEC team.
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Got my tickets to take my son Henry, age 12 as a reward for straight A's to finish out the school year. Really glad he did this for me....and himself!!

Question: I have only been to one game in the Shoe, vs. Miami a few years ago. This will be his first visit. He loves tOSU like me but neither of us has even seen campus or the restaurant/pub areas of Columbus that need to be seen (college vibe) so I need some advice how to spend my Saturday. Consideration should be given to:

1.) Seeing the campus (we travel a bunch and I like to expose my son to lots of college campuses)
2.) Pregame Skull Session and/or Quick Cals, I assume they don't conflict...QC is just before kick off?
3.) Experience tailgating some (but we don't know anyone to hook up with, when or where)
4.) Watching some of the other good games that day: USC vs. Stanford 3:30pm, Sparty vs. Oregon 6:30pm (won't be able to watch very much of this one)...thinking I might hook up with a tailgate crew with a good TV ?!?

So, for my fellow Buckeye Planet friends please give me a perfect itinerary for the day. The list above is in order of priority. Also, keep in mind my son is 12 but he has been exposed to a bunch of stuff already in his youth....road trips to OSU-Iowa, OSU-NW and everything from the gritty parts of San Francisco, Boston, etc. He won't be shocked by much but I still shield him from stupid debauchery. We are staying with family, can't remember the neighborhood but I was told last time I stayed with them that it was the same neighborhood Tress lived in? I can't confirm that though. I would sure like to hear some advice on how to spend my day....oh, one last bit...I will arrive Friday around mid day and leave Sunday morning so I could do some stuff Friday after I arrive. THANK YOU!!!!
Bump, just in case anyone else has something to add to this.
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"Got my tickets to take my son Henry, age 12 as a reward for straight A's to finish out the school year. Really glad he did this for me....and himself!!

Question: I have only been to one game in the Shoe, vs. Miami a few years ago. This will be his first visit. He loves tOSU like me but neither of us has even seen campus or the restaurant/pub areas of Columbus that need to be seen (college vibe) so I need some advice how to spend my Saturday. Consideration should be given to:

1.) Seeing the campus (we travel a bunch and I like to expose my son to lots of college campuses)
2.) Pregame Skull Session and/or Quick Cals, I assume they don't conflict...QC is just before kick off?
Skull Session is 2 hours before kickoff but if you want to attend you are going to have to get there early. Saturday should be fine as the weather looks to be a little on the cool side. On a hot day it's not such an enjoyable experience.
3.) Experience tailgating some (but we don't know anyone to hook up with, when or where)
We tailgate at the Agricultural Building on Fife. Our tailgate is on Woody Hayes drive at the Ag Building right next to the bus stop. You are welcome to stop by. We will be loud and obnoxious. There will be no debauchery but some of us may get a little stupid.
4.) Watching some of the other good games that day: USC vs. Stanford 3:30pm, Sparty vs. Oregon 6:30pm (won't be able to watch very much of this one)...thinking I might hook up with a tailgate crew with a good TV ?!?
The tailgates next to us have large screens setup and they don't mind if other people drop by and watch games.

So, for my fellow Buckeye Planet friends please give me a perfect itinerary for the day. The list above is in order of priority. Also, keep in mind my son is 12 but he has been exposed to a bunch of stuff already in his youth....road trips to OSU-Iowa, OSU-NW and everything from the gritty parts of San Francisco, Boston, etc. He won't be shocked by much but I still shield him from stupid debauchery. We are staying with family, can't remember the neighborhood but I was told last time I stayed with them that it was the same neighborhood Tress lived in? I can't confirm that though. I would sure like to hear some advice on how to spend my day....oh, one last bit...I will arrive Friday around mid day and leave Sunday morning so I could do some stuff Friday after I arrive. THANK YOU!!!!"
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