Excluding national championship games, I have never been more excited for a game since 1988 agWst LSU. (This was a great game btw, with a late Ohio State comeback. It was my first skull session and education on how to watch football. Silly things we all know, but not as a kid, like how loud to be on respective third downs, staying until the end, etc.)
I am excited to see the QB play, obviously. I am excited to see all the young receivers with the suspensions, the game only gets more intriguing. I am extremely excited to see Braxton, more than anything else. It is opening day and at night and at a decent stadium. Yeah, I'm over the moon waiting for this game. It has more intrigue than any game I have ever anticipated.
My life is also really boring now, which was never the case, so that probably lends a lot to it. . .