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tOSU TV Viewing/ESPN GamePlan?

daddyphatsacs;630712; said:
I'd switch to dish, but my only issue is that I have Road Runner and no landline at home. Any suggestions from the Peanut gallery?
Call Time Warner and bitch. Explain that you have TW cable, RoadRunner, etc ... etc ... and spend $100 a month with them, and if they can't carry ESPNU, you'll switch to one of the dish providers. Complain about other stuff too, like the cost of their DVRs, HDTV tuners, HDTV programming packages, and lack of a choice of ANY premium subscription cable channel, like HBO, with their basic $50 programming packages. Complain about only getting about 80 channels for $45 a month, and that since you now can't get ESPNU either, you're switching.

Tell them the dish packages look much better, more channels, lower price, tuners and DVRs are free, etc ... etc ...

Time Warner will throw in a bunch of free stuff, outlets, boxes, channels, HD, the works. They'll give you the kitchen sink to keep your business, and they won't raise your bill.

No. You still won't get ESPNU, but at least you'll sleep better knowing you stuck it to The Man (tm).

Besides. Who gives a rats ass? Like I'm going to miss anything watching the starters hang 28 on IU and not even play the second half. My wife tells me we still have a six year old son even on Saturdays. Maybe I'll look into that.
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Dryden;630752; said:
Call Time Warner and bitch. Explain that you have TW cable, RoadRunner, etc ... etc ... and spend $100 a month with them, and if they can't carry ESPNU, you'll switch to one of the dish providers. Complain about other stuff too, like the cost of their DVRs, HDTV tuners, HDTV programming packages, and lack of a choice of ANY premium subscription cable channel, like HBO, with their basic $50 programming packages. Complain about only getting about 80 channels for $45 a month, and that since you now can't get ESPNU either, you're switching.

Tell them the dish packages look much better, more channels, lower price, tuners and DVRs are free, etc ... etc ...

Time Warner will throw in a bunch of free stuff, outlets, boxes, channels, HD, the works. They'll give you the kitchen sink to keep your business, and they won't raise your bill.

No. You still won't get ESPNU, but at least you'll sleep better knowing you stuck it to The Man (tm).

Besides. Who gives a rats ass? Like I'm going to miss anything watching the starters hang 28 on IU and not even play the second half. My wife tells me we still have a six year old son even on Saturdays. Maybe I'll look into that.

Been there and done that........:biggrin:

I don't have any children........fuck it, maybe I'll just go to the game. :wink2:
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somewhere to watch?

Anyone know of a decent place in dublin that i might be able to watch the game at??If not I'd be more than happy to drive a little extra to get to somewhere around campus and watch the game. Any suggestions?
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It was announced yesterday that ESPNU will feature exclusive, live
coverage of the college football game between #1 Ohio State Buckeyes
versus the Indiana Hoosiers on Saturday, October 21, 2006 at noon. We
presently do not carry ESPNU on our cable services. Our corporate office
is in talks with Disney, which owns ESPNU, for carriage of the channel,
and we are hopeful to reach an agreement.
Thank you,

Mitch 1152

Time Warner Cable
Mid-Ohio Division


OSU vs. Indiana Information
Oct 10 2006 5:38PM
From 10TV Viewer Services:

WBNS-10TV has received many inquiries into the OSU vs. Indiana game on October 21. The Big 10 has awarded the exclusive broadcast rights of this game to ESPN-U, a subsidiary of ESPN.

WBNS-10TV will not have any opportunity to broadcast this game. As mentioned before, the Big 10's rights are exclusive to ESPN-U and there is no opportunity to carry the game on WBNS-TV, our digital channels, ONN, or any other venue. Our commitment to the Buckeyes and their fans is a strong one. If there was any opportunity to carry this game, we absolutely would.

For programming information on ESPN-U, please contact your cable or satellite provider.

While we make every effort to service our most valued customer, the viewer, this is a matter that is completely out of our hands.

For any questions regarding this matter, please contact the Big 10.

Website address:

Feedback section of the website:

Mailing address and phone:

Big 10 Conference
1500 West Higgins Road
Park Ridge, IL 60068-6300
(847) 696-1010

The game will be carried live in Columbus on the home of the Buckeyes, Mix 97.1 and Sports Radio 1460 The Fan.

The 10TV sports team will have complete highlights on 10TV Eyewitness News and Wall to Wall Sports.
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It was announced yesterday that ESPNU will feature exclusive, live
coverage of the college football game between #1 Ohio State Buckeyes
versus the Indiana Hoosiers on Saturday, October 21, 2006 at noon.
Good thing I recently got the sports package with ESPNU in it, else I'd be one pissed puppy...
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FWIW in the SW Ohio area I know that all 3 locations of Putters and the various Willi's Sports Bars all carry ESPNU - these establishments were kind enough to respond to e-mail asking about the channels they carry. If there are others I'll add to the list.

Curiously the Sharonville designated Alumni bar has yet to respond, I'll try phoning them.

As a Putter's is close nearby and they have really nice HDTVs, I am fixed up.
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I don't know why many people seem to be imploring their cable services to make a deal with ESPN to add ESPNU to the lineup. That seems to be exactly what ESPN wants to do with its thinly-veiled scheme. What people should be doing, IMO, is emailing ESPN and saying that they are disgusted by the channel's antics and that they'll never ask their cable companies to carry ESPNU as a result of this pathetic move on the network's part.
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buckeyeboy;631227; said:
I don't know why many people seem to be imploring their cable services to make a deal with ESPN to add ESPNU to the lineup. That seems to be exactly what ESPN wants to do with its thinly-veiled scheme. What people should be doing, IMO, is emailing ESPN and saying that they are disgusted by the channel's antics and that they'll never ask their cable companies to carry ESPNU as a result of this pathetic move on the network's part.

If you want to tag the devils in this, then make sure you include the Big 10 Office, a Faustian bargain requires two hands in the handshake when you sell your soul.
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sandgk;631230; said:
If you want to tag the devils in this, then make sure you include the Big 10 Office, a Faustian bargain requires two hands in the handshake when you sell your soul.

I'm not saying that the Big 10 is blameless here. I'm simply saying that ESPN is certainly blameworthy, and if people call their cable companies and tell them to add ESPNU, ESPN's goal is served. What's worse, these people might not realize that (1) their cable bills will eventually go up, and six months from now people will realize that they're paying several dollars more a month for a channel that they haven't tuned in to except for 3 hours way back on October 21, and (2) if ESPN succeeds here, they and other cable companies will likely pull the same garbage in the future.
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