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tOSU TV Viewing/ESPN GamePlan?


ESPNU to carry Ohio State-Indiana
Oct. 21 matchup not scheduled for local, over-the-air broadcast
By Tim May
The Columbus Dispatch
Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Many Ohio State football fans without a ticket to the Indiana game next week might be scrambling to find a way to watch the game on television. It will be televised by ESPNU, which is not readily available on all cable systems (check with your local provider), but is available on a couple of satellite systems.
The game, with a noon kickoff time, is not scheduled to be shown by any of the local over-the-air stations at this time, an OSU spokesman said.
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osugrad21;630592; said:

ESPNU to carry Ohio State-Indiana
Oct. 21 matchup not scheduled for local, over-the-air broadcast
By Tim May
The Columbus Dispatch
Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Many Ohio State football fans without a ticket to the Indiana game next week might be scrambling to find a way to watch the game on television. It will be televised by ESPNU, which is not readily available on all cable systems (check with your local provider), but is available on a couple of satellite systems.
The game, with a noon kickoff time, is not scheduled to be shown by any of the local over-the-air stations at this time, an OSU spokesman said.

No Worries Grad, I've got ESPNU in the house and the Garage. !
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sandgk;630561; said:
Mili - the only problem with the DirecTV solution is this .. to get ESPNU (should they indeed be the only outlet carrying the game) will demand viewers upgrade from a package like TOTAL Plus to TOTAL Premier, at a cost delta of $50 per month.
Compare that to the true cost differential for ESPNU on an ala carte basis as described by Time Warner's Karen Baxter of $2.98 per month.

ESPNU is on the DirecTV Sports Pack that can be added to any Programming Package for $12 per month.

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Milli "Relax, my friend...every Ohio State game since 2002 that hasn't been on ABC or a version of ESPN has been on GamePlan"

That was my feeling. I can't remember not having an OSU game on either ESPN, ABC or GamePlan. That's why, and only why, I subscribe to Gameplan here in the Southwest.

But the official Gameplan Schedule for the 21st shows other games on Gameplan but not Indiana. So unless ESPN changes its mind, it is not going to be available to me. That is also the opinion of several posters on other fan sites.

Cox Cable serves the SW and where I am, at least, does not carry ESPNU. DirectTV is not an option for me. I am beginning to wonder if Illinois or some other weak team game may be excluded also.

Then, on top of that, there is much discussion that the Big Ten Network, beginning next year will only have OSU games, essentially. That is, not available on Gameplan. Here in the SW you would barely know there was a Big Ten, so far as the cable company(s) are concerned. Much uncertainty on this subject. But, first things first.

Go Bucks!
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BuckeyeNation27;630582; said:
I thought this would be a thread about JoePa
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Shitty....... Who would think that living in Columbus you wouldn't be able to catch the game of the #1 team in the country on TV. Mind you, this is the #1 team in the country.....

Looks like I've got to find a bar with the dish network.
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