What leverage do these small schools have though? If they push too hard, the bigger schools say “screw you” and just play other P4 teams. BG, Miami(OH), Mercer, Furman, etc you’re pissed and what more money? Well now you get nothing, have fun playing each other and say bye to those 7 figure checks that massively help, and OSU will just play Syracuse, Colorado and Kansas for OOC games.
They don't have a ton of leverage to be sure. Like most people/groups in that position that could lead them to organize into a tighter group for safety.
Maybe that group says, essentially, we are our own league and if you play for us, these are the rules...we get to post you/sell your rights type of thing.
Who knows? But the MAC type schools joining forces to try and have any kind of general leverage/say so in the sport we still call CFB is a distinct possibility as this old system gives way to whatever the new is going to look like.