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tOSU Linebackers History (Merged)

Purity said:
Why do Iowa fans feel the need to respond like the way they did during your struggles? Could it be because they read stuff like this?
Amazing concept...this is a tOSU board. If you are here to get into some idiotic flame war, your stay will be short. Defend your program, but if you choose to bash the posters here, you will leave.

Simple. Your choice.
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BuckeyeTrail said:
ferentz is a fantastic coach and quite frankly, the iowa game scares the shit out of me.
Well I don't know anymore than anyone else (perhaps a lot less :wink2: ), but aside from the usual "we better concentrate on Miami" - well, I'm more afraid of the PSU night game and of the game up North.

Tressel will not have to say much to have the troops fired up after last year's embarrassment. And frankly, I don't think they can pull it off again.:biggrin: Then again, I've ate my words before..without any salt, even. Last years game...well, it was just weird. The guys will remember and make us proud.:osu:

And that's nothing against Iowa, just the way I see it through my lovely, always fashionable, scarlet and grey cool-guy shades.:cheers:

Go Bucks!:osu3: :scum3:
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Purity said:
What no, hog comments or cornfield remarks? Something about farmer's daughters? Have Iowa leave the Big 10? Classy posts.
So we call him out on that being a little stupid, but sadly all you can do is chime in with such a useful post complaining that not everyone was sticking up for Iowa. Thanks for adding so much to this thread.
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jwinslow said:
So we call him out on that being a little stupid, but sadly all you can do is chime in with such a useful post complaining that not everyone was sticking up for Iowa. Thanks for adding so much to this thread.
OSUgrad, I don't intend to disrespect your board. I intend to defend my university. I just don't understand the message board mentality. Or I guess it goes back to human sociology for that matter. In a thread which is intended to point out the belittling on another board of the the Iowa linebackers, somehow a poster breaks in with his thoughts on how Iowa shouldn't be in the Big 10 any longer. Granted that thought doesn't deserve any diatribe.

Then somebody throws in his slam on the Iowa geography. That clever argument always reminds me of grammar school when kids would reply to an insult with, "Oh yeah, you smell." Same kind of basic mentality. Apparently Ohio is one big metropolis I have yet to experience. No way you guys would have rolling hills and gravel roads like Iowa. Blasphemous! Just blasphemous.

Now, if you want to have a sensible argument about let's say, our football teams, I'd be up for it. All I ask for is respect, and respect will be given. Now if you want to talk football, let's do so.
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Purity said:
Then somebody throws in his slam on the Iowa geography. That clever argument always reminds me of grammar school when kids would reply to an insult with, "Oh yeah, you smell." Same kind of basic mentality. Apparently Ohio is one big metropolis I have yet to experience. No way you guys would have rolling hills and gravel roads like Iowa. Blasphemous! Just blasphemous.
I was pointing out the randomness and ridiculousness of his post, you fucking moron! Did you read the first line of my post? I was sticking up for Iowa, jack ass, but now I'm starting to regret it.

Rubies from me too.
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OSUgrad, I don't intend to disrespect your board. I intend to defend my university. I just don't understand the message board mentality. Or I guess it goes back to human sociology for that matter. In a thread which is intended to point out the belittling on another board of the the Iowa linebackers, somehow a poster breaks in with his thoughts on how Iowa shouldn't be in the Big 10 any longer. Granted that thought doesn't deserve any diatribe.

Then somebody throws in his slam on the Iowa geography. That clever argument always reminds me of grammar school when kids would reply to an insult with, "Oh yeah, you smell." Same kind of basic mentality. Apparently Ohio is one big metropolis I have yet to experience. No way you guys would have rolling hills and gravel roads like Iowa. Blasphemous! Just blasphemous.

Now, if you want to have a sensible argument about let's say, our football teams, I'd be up for it. All I ask for is respect, and respect will be given. Now if you want to talk football, let's do so.

Dude, fix your font please...its hurting my eyes...:biggrin:
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Purity said:

OSUgrad, I don't intend to disrespect your board. I intend to defend my university. I just don't understand the message board mentality. Or I guess it goes back to human sociology for that matter. In a thread which is intended to point out the belittling on another board of the the Iowa linebackers, somehow a poster breaks in with his thoughts on how Iowa shouldn't be in the Big 10 any longer. Granted that thought doesn't deserve any diatribe.

Then somebody throws in his slam on the Iowa geography. That clever argument always reminds me of grammar school when kids would reply to an insult with, "Oh yeah, you smell." Same kind of basic mentality. Apparently Ohio is one big metropolis I have yet to experience. No way you guys would have rolling hills and gravel roads like Iowa. Blasphemous! Just blasphemous.

Now, if you want to have a sensible argument about let's say, our football teams, I'd be up for it. All I ask for is respect, and respect will be given. Now if you want to talk football, let's do so.

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