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tOSU Linebackers History (Merged)

MSU likes to run option.

Did you see Schlegel devouring PSU's option play?

I like our chances of blowing up the Spartan's option plays with Schlegel - perhaps he can tone up the rest of the D on what to look for.
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Who wouldn't pitch it? You're right--Schlegel has covered the option more than any player in the Big Ten. Did you see how fast he was all over the PSU option? I think he has been coaching Carpenter and Hawk on defending it.
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sandgk said:
MSU likes to run option.

Did you see Schlegel devouring PSU's option play?

I like our chances of blowing up the Spartan's option plays with Schlegel - perhaps he can tone up the rest of the D on what to look for.
MSU won't be able to run the option. Schlegel, Hawk, and Carpenter are too fast.

Edit: I'm a little worried about Cobb running between the tackles though.
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Depth at the Linebacker Spot

Is it me or have we went after a bunch of linebackers in the last few years . Most of the blue chippers look away. i wasn't worried last year but another year has gone by. If these underclassmen aren't impact players, we are going to be scavenging for high school all-americans next year because they will have to play as freshmen.(because of graduation to starters). I was just hoping to have some impact players already getting experience this year and next so they will be ready. I am not knocking any of these recruits because anyone that goes to Osu for football has to be one heck of an athlete. Just seems like some of the top 100 lbs have gotten away from us. Then were left looking for prospects the last minute. BUT, RANKINGS DON'T MEAN A THING WHEN IT COMES TO GUYS LIKE HAWK.
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Most of the blue chippers look away.
I disagree with that statement somewhat...

rankings at LB in bold

2003 recruiting class: Reggie Smith (3 Star) # 27
2004 recruiting class: Marcus Freeman (4 Star) #4, Brandon Smith (2 Star) NR, Chad Hobbler (4 Star) #33, Curtis Terry (2 Star) NR
2005 recruiting class: Freddie Lenix (4 Star) #22, James Laurinaitis (3 Star) #28, Austin Spitler (3 Star) #48

Add John Kerr who is a junior next year and possibly Mike D'Andrea, so in the 2006 season we are looking at a starting rotation of possibly...

Kerr, Freeman, D'Andrea, Hobbler, Lenix and whoever else....

If these underclassmen aren't impact players, we are going to be scavenging for high school all-americans next year because they will have to play as freshmen.(
I don't think we will have to worry about depth at linebacker until 2006, no one is going to have to play as freshmen with these guys around.
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I really don't know where this is truly coming from. 3 years ago, OSU gets one of the great LB classes ever. That made the need for LB's 2 years ago, uneeded but they get Kerr and Schlegel in transfers anyways. Last year, they get a top 5 LB in Marcus Freeman and a 4 star guy, Chad Hoobler. This year, they get 2 very good though underrated LB's. This doesn't include other LB's that signed that were not "blue chip"...Stan White could very well switch back to LB if needed.

So this year, Freeman (so), Hoobler(so), Kerr(jr), White(jr), B. Smith (rfr), Laurinatis, and Spittler will be at LB more than likely....plus, he possibility of Lenix playing LB. All 8 of them get a year to develop even more with the seniors taken most of the playing time. Not including the chance of Lukens playing OLB over safety. So up to 9 on the depth chart in 2006...then you have, of course, the class next year. So really, this year is the only year we didn't get a blue chipper but I've watched video of Laurinatus and Spittler and I'm pretty darn sure they'll be good. Had the crap at OSU not been going on this year, we would have gotten McCoy at the very least.

When you have 4 NFL'ers on the depth chart, the possibility of getting the bigtime LB's aren't that great..most want to play early and it won't happen here.

We're fine. When Hawk, DA, Carp, and Schlegel graduate, OSU will have all junior and senior starters. I just don't think it's all that alarming at the moment.
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Buckeyecty4 said:
I think we have two good ones in Freeman and Hoobler, but even they have seen little real time action. LB should be a concern because we have no depth after this season.
The outside is what concerns me. I believe Freeman is a WILL and Hoobler is a Mike, the 2 new guys both look to be Mike [Laurantis could be a SAM] but we have no other depth at WILL.

Now you see why they wanted McCoy so bad, he would have fit in on either side. Kearney would be a welcome addition.

Next year looks like a decent crop in OH for OLB but unfortunately that means they will be playing EARLY. I have heard rumors that Terry could evolve into an OLB instead of his HS position at DE.
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this year freeman was #2 on the depth chart at the SAM spot.

another possibility that people are forgetting is the following:

if D'Andrea gets another year, it is quite possible that hoobler could man the middle, and MDA shifts out to the SAM or WILL spot, with Freeman manning the other.

I think one of Laurinatis and Spitler will move to the outside.
Also, Curtis Terry is going to be an OLB. That was straight from Ginn Sr. when Duane Long spoke with him this week.
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