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Game Thread tOSU at NW'ern, Oct 5, 8 ET, ABC/ESPN/ESPN2

Random cosplay girl #543232

Thank God for Buckeye football and random cosplay girls. If we can get a random Buckeye girls cosplay going, I'm in.

In other news, three hours 'till we stomp grapes.

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Early MVP may go to equipment manager who recommends the correct spikes for this game
I assume Hyde is our best mudder... but could be wrong
but we're gonna need LONG spikes but only a few cleats so they clean out
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Anyone who just runs north south....so yeah Hyde would be primary.

Gale Sayers scored 6 TDs in the mud in his rookie season:

He was more of a Hall type open field runner. Claimed that he had an advantaged because that in the mud he knew where he was going but the 49ers did not. That comment is in some youtube video I cannot find right now.
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Sitting in Evanston watching the storm blow over. Looks like there may be a chance the bulk of storm goes through before kickoff. Let's hope so!

"Social media" ticker on Buckeye Fever pregame on ABC included a tweet about lightning in the area of Ryan Field. No idea if that's valid and there could be a weather delay.

Clay and Obie haven't mentioned it yet.
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