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Game Thread tOSU at Nebraska, Sat October 8, 2011, 8 pm ET, ABC

Proud of the way we played in the first half. I've got a lot more hope for the future as long as Braxton can stay healthy. Discouraged about how the defense just seemed to completely collapse in the second half. I know they were on the field a lot but the missed tackles, over pursing, and especially the personal fouls.....unacceptable.
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jlb1705;2009522; said:
Bauserman coming into the game is no excuse for the way the defense played. I don't know which is more sad - the very idea that a player that isn't even part of that unit could be responsible for their execution, or the fact that it even seems plausible at this point.

Bauserman had to come off the bench with far more time remaining in a win at Illinois last year. This team is capable of playing defense in spite of his presence.

Poor angles, poor tackling, lack of physicality, and lack of will. All of those things are on the list of reasons for this loss ahead of

Not to make any excuses, but you could definitely tell our defense was getting tired (ie: stupid penalties). When the offense only takes 60 seconds off the game clock, its hard for any D player to play at the same level.
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Basebuck;2009504; said:
Vrabel has never coached a day in his life.

Bottom line is Nebraska's adjustments destroyed this team. Unreal
Yeah. Saying everyone gave up and that Baus was bad ignores the great job the Corn coaches did and the fact that his recievers were blanketed.

The lack of screens and simple drags to Stoney I can't get either.
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Jake;2009524; said:
How many did he produce? Given the lead Joe was handed it wouldn't have taken many to seal the game. But ultimately, it required more than zero.

I don't disagree with Bauserman's performance, but at Ohio State the defense should be able to bring home a win when given a 21-point second half lead even without any further contributions from the offense.
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The Defense spent way too much time on the field in the second half and it showed. Lost discipline on their assignments, lost technique, etc. Just looked tired.

Joe Bauserman didn't assasinate President Lincoln......that definitely wasn't his fault. That is about the only compliment that I can give.

Kicking game looked good.
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Dryden;2009537; said:
Went through this in 2004. If the offense is ineffective, it's just a matter of time before the defense gets gashed. You can't go 3-and-out series after series and hang the D-Line out to dry like that.

1st half, Martinez was bottled up and Burkehead was literally going out of his way to take tackles for loss from other Buckeyes as long as it wasn't John Simon hitting him.

2nd half, they were ripping off 5 yard runs on bad plays. The good ones were 20 yards or longer. There was no pressure, and on the few occassions there was (which I could count on one hand), there was no pursuit after the pocket broke down.

You can't do that to the defense. Even if you only grind out 4 or 5 minutes for 30 yards and still wind up punting, the defense at least gets to drink some water and rest their knees. The offense was totally ineffective after Braxton's legs were taken out of the equation.

this, i really wanna know what the time of possession was once Brax went out
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The worst part is that it's not like this team is the way it is because of seniors graduating or players going pro. A handful of players and an apparently incompetent compliance staff dropped the ball majorly and probably dropped a 2 or 3 season NUKE on the program and the damage isn't even over.

The recruiting ripple effect of a season like this with the types of ineptitude we've seen can seriously set a team back half a decade. Not even exaggerating.
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OhioState001;2009521; said:
Sighhh should have kept going to Hyde

I said that after his TD run. Hall wasn't breaking arm tackles inside... Hyde was moving the pile. Sad to see the number of touches weren't reversed.

I'm. Shocked. Disheartened. Angry. Upset. I remember feeling like this around early 07'.

edit; I'm going to get hammered. I mean... just fucking ruined - because at this point, I feel I need it. good night all.
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osugrad21;2009371; said:
Each team obviously took a major reaction to Braxton going out....

One quit.

One went for the throat.
This does seem to be the turning point.

It's good to have faith in a qb... but these guys need to have faith in themselves and not react this way to adversity. There was zero reason for the defense to deflate at that point. Their job was tougher after Nebraska adjusted, and the offense didn't exactly help, but it certainly seems like a little more fight on that side of the ball would have gotten the job done.
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EidoloN;2009517; said:
How can anyone say the d lost the game?

They didn't tackle for shit after Nebraska scored their first TD. And there were zero adjustments on defense. Martinez rolled out out at will and Burkhead got all his gains running to the outside. We were getting seal-blocked all over the place.
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matt_thatsme;2009546; said:
Joe Bauserman didn't assasinate President Lincoln......that definitely wasn't his fault. That is about the only compliment that I can give.

I don't know, man. He might have gotten so anxious to launch it out of bounds that he threw it back in time. :p

Frustrating, but at least we saw what the team is capable of with the right QB and plays happening. /frail, silver lining
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EidoloN;2009517; said:
How can anyone say the d lost the game? Once again, they played tough. The defense doesn't over throw receivers horribly, the defense doesn't stop the offense from moving the ball, the defense doesn't throw picks into double coverage. The d is expected to give up points, a 5th year senior is expected to move the ball. If he doesn't, put in someone who does. 1 for 12 is not a great QB, so sorry for all who think that is.

A proven D that is good.. gives up 28 points and you are blaming a known bad 5th yr QB for not winning the game? It's not HIS fault that he was put in the game.

I put the blame roughly 50-40-10 on Coaches, Defense, Offense in that order
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