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tOSU 73 vs N Carolina 77 (in NYC)

hopefully this team learned what it takes to be elite and can move forward, it was great how they battled back, they know that they can hang with the big boys now, they just need to play with poise and confidence on offense (and not get the few big men they have in foul trouble)
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Stating the obvious we could have won that game. I am really impressed with this team. They were ICE cold the first half and played real sloppy at times and they were still in a position to win at the end.

I am not sure UNC played their best game either but it was a good measuring stick to see how the Buckeye's talent stacks up vs a top 5 team and I feel pretty good where they are at.
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bkochmc;1599752; said:
I'd like to know your reasoning for this statement...

He doesnt block out very well, doesnt score well, has trouble recovering when he rotates in zone defense, and all in all doesnt seem to be anymore than a small bit player. His effort is really great, but the production offensively, and defensively falls off greatly when Dallas isnt in the game. This isn't a knock on Madsen because he does give it his all, he just isn't an impact player at the Big 10 level. I think he would be best used for 5 to 10 minutes a game max, because in short spurts he does provide a different look and energy.
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osubartender23;1599769; said:
He doesnt block out very well, doesnt score well, has trouble recovering when he rotates in zone defense, and all in all doesnt seem to be anymore than a small bit player. His effort is really great, but the production offensively, and defensively falls off greatly when Dallas isnt in the game. This isn't a knock on Madsen because he does give it his all, he just isn't an impact player at the Big 10 level. I think he would be best used for 5 to 10 minutes a game max, because in short spurts he does provide a different look and energy.
Thanks... that's how a player should be discussed on this site. Regardless of one's particular feelings toward Madsen, or any of the Buckeyes for that matter, they have put in the hard work and at the very least deserve to be discussed in a rational manner, not some of the crap that has been spewed in this thread. If you think someone shouldn't be playing... back up your reasoning otherwise those statements just wreak of bashing.

Back to Madsen quickly... I know many don't want to see Madsen step on the court again but think of it this way... if he is playing and others aren't, that tells me something in regards to Matta's confidence in the other bigs. I do agree he can be a liability in the zone but when he was in there for man defense he didn't play too bad.
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Probably re-stating a lot that has already been said.....but I came away very impressed. North Carolina couldn't miss a majority of the game, including contested shots, and tOSU was ice cold. 1-10 from behind the 3 arc in the first half?

Lighty looked awesome to me, could go without a lot of the outside shots, but his ability to play bigs and get out and run can't be understated. Dallas looked good defensively, just needs to stay away from touch fouls. Diebler continues to get better. Turner at the point is a two-sided coin, but overall, I think it makes the team better. Especially in tight games....I think P.J. benefited from playing in a game where UNC had a pretty big lead throughout, he didn't really face an onslaught of pressure, which is where he struggled last year in getting the ball up the court.

Another big will be this teams achilles heal, but I think it will be a very exciting year, and a more open style of basketball compared to previous years. Lots of grab the board and go with this team.....
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Here is what I saw from last nights game. UNC's size killed us all night and shooting was awful until the last ten minutes. Evan Turner did not pick it up until late and in crunch time he fouled out, I think he needs to be moved to forward since that is where he would be most comfortable. I do want to aks why Simmons and Hill are not getting time at point guard. Hill may not be a scorer but it seems to me like he is a good ball handler and a exceptional defensive player. Simmons when he was in there did not do too bad and i would like to see him get more time if not a pg but somewhere else. Please tell me what you think of this since I am just starting to transition back into basketball.
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IMO we played badly for most of the game and a lot of that was the game plan set up by the coaches that didn't match what NC threw at us. I looked for more adjustments in the first half than what did happen. Then when we didn't hit our 3's then we kinda fell apart.
I loved the way we came back and could have won if a few shots went in, or didn't for them.
Go Bucks beat Cal.
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bkochmc;1599789; said:
Thanks... that's how a player should be discussed on this site. Regardless of one's particular feelings toward Madsen, or any of the Buckeyes for that matter, they have put in the hard work and at the very least deserve to be discussed in a rational manner, not some of the crap that has been spewed in this thread. If you think someone shouldn't be playing... back up your reasoning otherwise those statements just wreak of bashing.

Back to Madsen quickly... I know many don't want to see Madsen step on the court again but think of it this way... if he is playing and others aren't, that tells me something in regards to Matta's confidence in the other bigs. I do agree he can be a liability in the zone but when he was in there for man defense he didn't play too bad.

What I said was in no way, shape or form bashing. Bashing is "So and So Sucks" or "So and so cant play worth Crap". I in no way shape or form bashed. You asked a previous poster as to why they thought that Madsen was a liability and I answered it. I did back up my reasoning as to why I think the same way as the original poster in my original response. My response had nothing to do with "my particular feelings for a player", and everything to do with what I have consistently seen on the court, and most notably last night.

He does play better in man to man defense than he does zone, I agree with you on that. My fear is that Matta has Big Z and Madsen as the back ups and we don't even get to see Big Z in the game at all? That speaks volumes about the inside depth we have when Dallas is the only true "Big Body" that we have that has the size to deal with most teams.
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osubartender23;1599821; said:
What I said was in no way, shape or form bashing. Bashing is "So and So Sucks" or "So and so cant play worth Crap". I in no way shape or form bashed. You asked a previous poster as to why they thought that Madsen was a liability and I answered it. I did back up my reasoning as to why I think the same way as the original poster in my original response. My response had nothing to do with "my particular feelings for a player", and everything to do with what I have consistently seen on the court, and most notably last night.

He does play better in man to man defense than he does zone, I agree with you on that. My fear is that Matta has Big Z and Madsen as the back ups and we don't even get to see Big Z in the game at all? That speaks volumes about the inside depth we have when Dallas is the only true "Big Body" that we have that has the size to deal with most teams.
Which is why I thanked you... your post was quoted as an example of how to effectively discuss a player. I should have made that more clear... it was clear to me. :)
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Thoughts on the game.

First, you have to match intensity against your opponent. North Carolina was the aggressor for the better part of game and in basketball the more aggressive team usually has an advantage. Additionally, as Dickie V (damn I wish Bob Knight had done our game, he's so much better) pointed out, Ohio State had huge problems adjusting to the length of North Carolina. William Buford in particular.

Evan Turner is a wonderful player. That said, his patented spin move works great against 3/4 players but when he's playing against an elite level 1/2 defender they beat him to the spot on the spin. Result? Four, FOUR traveling calls. Unacceptable for a point guard and I'm sure it will be addressed. The other problem with the spin move is that you lose sight of your teammates and it's easier to double up defensively. He also had two offensive fouls. This and the turnovers show that he was beat to the spot on a consistent basis when he drove.

P.J. Hill needs to see the floor more. His stat line didn't show his contribution and he provides a spark and energy that is needed. He was in when the Buckeyes were most impressive last night. Bringing him in also means that Turner can get some relief on bringing the ball upcourt and can slide to a spot where he creates havoc for the opposing 3 trying to guard him. Fifteen minutes and ZERO turnovers last night.

Buford was clearly frustrated last night and it showed. He passed on shots he should have taken and took shots when he clearly should have passed. He was never in the flow of the game. Nowhere to go but up for him and I think he'll respond and have a nice game against Cal.

Lighty has to knock down free throws. 1-4 at the beginning of the game. Instead of getting positive possessions the defense was rewarded for fouling him. The rest of the team was 14-16 and Lighty/Lauderdale were 1-6.

Madsen. I'm on the Madsen fence. His rebounding (lack of) is what needs to get much better in a hurry. The North Carolina bigs were bigger AND quicker to the spot. He has to work harder when the shot is in the air. Rebounding is more about effort than size. The guy that wants the ball usually gets the ball. Shockingly, Ohio State out rebounded North Carolina 32-30 last night largely because our guards crashed the boards consistently. The guards had 25 of our 32 rebounds.

I really liked what I saw at the end of the game. Last year against West Virginia the team rolled over when the going got tough. Last night when they could have rolled they never gave up on each other. The comeback in the last 3 minutes was a thing of beauty. Ohio State scored 36 points in the first 28:58 of the game and 37 points in the last 10:02. I think it's clear that this team is better when they play at speed and with aggression.

Tonight vs. Cal will be interesting. Let's see if the team learned a lesson last night and begins the game with the pop that the ended with last night.
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Bill Lucas;1599837; said:
I really liked what I saw at the end of the game. Last year against West Virginia the team rolled over when the going got tough. Last night when they could have rolled they never gave up on each other. The comeback in the last 3 minutes was a thing of beauty. Ohio State scored 36 points in the first 28:58 of the game and 37 points in the last 10:02. I think it's clear that this team is better when they play at speed and with aggression.

Great point! Both the WVU game last year and the Butler game from the year before, the team absolutely quit about halfway through. Win or lose last night, the refusal to rollover certainly gives me more confidence in the mindset of this team for the rest of the season.
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Great effort by the guys last night. They never quit working or hustling. The squad just did not play real well the entire game, and still fought back and had a shot late. The Bucks couldn't buy a three early, and though most of UNC's shots were open, they hit nothing but net on nearly all of theirs.

As stated by another, Lighty has to shoot better at the stripe, as his aggressive play will get him trips to the line. Loved his ability to defend bigger guys though, and loved his taking it to the hole.

Diebs needs to stay calm and he will knock down more of those shots most of the time. I also like that he took it to the hole when the D allowed.

Turner has to play more under control against the elite teams, but loved his effort. He needs to show the others how to want the ball on rebounds.

Our bigs have to want the ball more coming off the glass, Madsen specially, though he surely played hard as well, and move their feet and not their hands on defense.

Buford has to learn from this game and play more disciplined on offense, to many early shots and probably too many shots, just pushing trying to do well in such a marquee game, loved that he didn't shrink from the challenge on national tv though. His defense did seemed pretty good for the most part as well.

Simmons played pretty well, though he fired up a few questionable shots early in the count as well.

PJ played with great energy, as always, and seems to have cleaned up his handle and passing a bit.

All in all about as good an outcome as you could get in a loss, they did not play well but still could have won. The team was down a bunch and fought back, with intelligent spirited play.

Now let's end this trip on a high note and whip Cal :oh:
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