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tOSU +1.5 at Purdue (ov/un 135.5) Sun 1 ET, CBS

Whats with the Michael Jackson bullshit gloves by the student section?

And someday these people will learn that "Boiler Up" is a ridiculous and un-intimidating chant.

Also, cue Jajuan Johnson screwing Purdont by "taking over" like he did in C-Bus, he completely destroys their offense when he goes into "hero" mode. And I like Sully/Dallas against him, he can't stand up to the pounding.

And finally, anyone else love the irony of Purdont fans that cheered for Kramer for 4 years chanting "Flopper" at anyone?
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I have to admit, some of the calls on PU have been garbage too.

One minute they let guys wrestle another to the floor the next they call a foul 35 feet from the hoop when a guy bumps another.

Tough for players to play that way.
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BlufftonBuckeye;1876852; said:
Whats with the Michael Jackson bullshit gloves by the student section?

And someday these people will learn that "Boiler Up" is a ridiculous and un-intimidating chant.

Boiler up is pretty stupid. :lol:
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