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tOSU +1.5 at Purdue (ov/un 135.5) Sun 1 ET, CBS

BuckeyeMike80;1876814; said:
Yeah, so? Maybe a little public pressure would get the morons at Big 10 corporate to wake up

It would make some OSU fans feel better, but it would also get Thad labeled a whiner and maybe piss off some refs. It's not like Big 10 corporate is going to hold a meeting to figure out why Ohio State is getting screwed. They'd just defend the officials.
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Jake;1876834; said:
It would make some OSU fans feel better, but it would also get Thad labeled a whiner and maybe piss off some refs. It's not like Big 10 corporate is going to hold a meeting to figure out why Ohio State is getting screwed. They'd just defend the officials.

Jake it's not just Ohio State getting screwed.

There's a reason no big ten refs will do the NC game,,,they ruin the flow of thses games with their need to be the center of attention
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BuckeyeMike80;1876838; said:
Jake it's not just Ohio State getting screwed.

There's a reason no big ten refs will do the NC game,,,they ruin the flow of thses games with their need to be the center of attention
They've been the perpetual third wheel in every game...and not just in ours.
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If Thad complains specifically about their officiating concerning OSU, yes, but if he frames it as noticing horrible officiating across the league and could get the support of other coaches, it would conceivably carry some weight.

Regardless, we need to get back on our game. Good defense there to get a turnover.
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