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tOSU +1.5 at Purdue (ov/un 135.5) Sun 1 ET, CBS

THEWOOD;1876880; said:
buckeyes cannot win with sullinger and buford on the bench at the same time...i am pretty sure both times PurDONT has taken the lead, both have been on the bench


Bufford got called for a couple tick tack fouls at the beginning of the game.

Sully's second foul was an absolute joke.

Now we have no identity on offense. We have turnover Diebler dribbling around for 20 seconds.
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scarletngrey11;1876867; said:
That happens to Sully every time down the court.

That was not a foul.

That was just too good of defense.
sully's second foul was good defense? his arms weren't not straight up and he hit johnson on the forearm. it was a good call on a needless foul. sully already had one foul. johnson was under the rim. giving the guy his bucket would have been the smart play. sully does not block shots of 7-footers.
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bkochmc;1876883; said:
I was OK with that 3. He was wide open and wasn't forcing a shot (like he did earlier in the game), unfortunately it didn't go it.

Deshaun shoots 26% from three. He needs to shoot from closer to the rim.
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