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tOSU +1.5 at Purdue (ov/un 135.5) Sun 1 ET, CBS

OSU_Buckguy;1876887; said:
sully's second foul was good defense? his arms weren't not straight up and he hit johnson on the forearm. it was a good call on a needless foul. sully already had one foul. johnson was under the rim. giving the guy his bucket would have been the smart play. sully does not block shots of 7-footers.

The fans were upset that Lighty got away with a travel on the other end. They were crying when Sully played good defense and got a block, so when the guy underneath the basket got the rebound for Purdue, they were going to call it no matter what.

I cannot believe an OSU fan that has seen how little contact on Sully gets called game in and game out will argue that that was a foul.
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Jake;1876888; said:
Deshaun shoots 26% from three. He needs to shoot from closer to the rim.

Great point. This is exactly why he shouldn't be taking a ton of three's RIGHT NOW. Not to say he won't be the second coming of Diebs (Sub 30% freshman year) but it does mean that the majority of his shots should be INSIDE 23 feet.
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