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Game Thread Tostitos Fiesta Bowl: Ohio State 34, Notre Dame 20 (final)

Was anyone else quite disappointed in the way Weis ended the game?
So much for sportsmanship, standing there with his arms crossed and calling TO's.
I know I would be disappointed in JT if he pulled that, and I am disappointed in Weis.

I thought Weis's actions were ridiculous as well. He looked like a big baby pouting b/c he couldn't believe his team didn't win. Such actions are consistent with his comments earlier in the week (e.g., one of his Super Bowl rings is worth more than all of JT's NC rings combined) which showed that Lllloyd Carr is not the only college coach in the midwest with zero class. I've said it before and I'll say it again, the fact that you'd never catch JT pulling such classless moves makes me immensely happy that he's our coach (along with the fact that he's 3-0 in BCS bowls, of course :biggrin: ).
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I had to send this to a Notre Dame buddy of mine in Iraq.

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WOW!!!! That game was absolutely amazing, and quite draining, if I do say so, myself. I was afraid that our missed oppurtunities and turnovers might hurt us in the long run, but our defense was superb, and man I had never seen AJ play so well. Our offense played about as well as anyone, and I think we could have beat any given team, today. I want to say congratulations to Notre Dame on a great season that no one expected. What a hell of a game, and congratulations to all Buckeye fans!!!

:oh: :io:

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I thought Weis's actions were ridiculous as well. He looked like a big baby pouting b/c he couldn't believe his team didn't win. Such actions are consistent with his comments earlier in the week (e.g., one of his Super Bowl rings is worth more than all of JT's NC rings combined) which showed that Lllloyd Carr is not the only college coach in the midwest with zero class. I've said it before and I'll say it again, the fact that you'd never catch JT pulling such classless moves makes me immensely happy that he's our coach (along with the fact that he's 3-0 in BCS bowls, of course :biggrin: ).

Amen. He (Weiss) goes into the 05 All American Whiner contest. I loved how the comments turned from Weiss and Notre Dame to Tressel and OSU.

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I think this win should put to rest any discussion about the "genius" Charlie Weis VS. Jim Tressel. Apparently those rings he has truly don't mean anything. So much for that month to prepare.
Our offense was awesome. I was sceptical of Troy at the beginnig of the season. I have no doubts now. He is the leader. He is THE man.
ND got outplayed on both sides of the ball. Let's see how much class CW has in his post-game PC. I suspect that he is butt-hurt right now. THIS IS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

GO BUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Charlie Weis is still a good coach, I think he proved that today. He is not Jesus like ABC, and ESPN made him out to be, but he is still a damn good coach. He doesn't have all the talent yet, but he made me a believer in his game day skills. He put his guys in positions to make plays all game, our guys just played better. We will see next year if this was just a fluke or not, but if Weis can recruit, then unfortunately, he is probably the real deal.
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Broke my cardinal rule of posting during the game. So many guys came up big today. Did anyone really think that this senior class would go out any other way? Appreciate what these guys have done for Ohio State football. Not only are we among the elite in talent, we now have the reputation for winning the big one. We always heard about our record in the past regarding Michigan and bowls. Well, how does 8-2 sound? Many thanks to JT and his seniors for the legacy they have left.
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Charlie Weis is an ass.....

We all know about the Super Bowl ring vs. NC's won as a HC answer Charlie gave to the media a couple of days ago, but here is another story that really pisses me off, and shows his true colors-and, BTW, this story is from a friend of the Quinn family, who told me about AJ and Laura Quinn way before the media broke the story-nobody wanted it to be an issue, so I didn't mention anything about it before the media did. Anyway, last year Brady Quinn pointed both fingers up to the sky to acknowlege God after a TD pass-same thing like Carson Palmer, and a ton of other Christian athletes do. Well, as soon as he comes in in the spring, Weis asks Quinn "What's up w/ that finger pointing crap? Are you one of those religious fuckers?". The finger pointing has stopped. Real nice example Charlie is setting for a Christian university. Then again, getting the recruiting back on track is the most important thing for the Irish and their fans, not setting a Chritian example.....
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