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Game Thread Tostitos Fiesta Bowl: Ohio State 34, Notre Dame 20 (final)

3) Imagine, that mighty SC team had trouble with these guys. ND had every break in the game, but still got rolled. This was a complete domination that doesn't show on the scoreboard.

Oops, not supposed to bash former Bucks too, so my comment on Herbie were deleted. OK, Herbstreit continually makes himself look foolish by proclaiming the SC offense the greatest of all time. For some reason, he keeps saying this utterly ridiculous thing on national TV and it gets under my skin. You'd think a former Buckeye would know a little more about football.

Well, this boring little Big Ten Buckeye offense EASILY put up as much points on the Notre Dame defense despite many mistakes that kept the score close. Those 34 Buckeye points should have easily been 40 without two blocked FGs and even more without Smith's redzone fumble.
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What a great game. Some miscues here and there, but we got it done when we needed to. Moreover, we beat them at their own game. They were supposed to have the high-powered offense? Check the total yards numbers and score. They were supposed to have the best QB? The best QB on the field was wearing scarlet and gray.

Maybe Charlie Weis will think twice before he tries to equate our D with Tennessee's, and maybe he'll drop the arrogant charade. Face it, Charlie--tonight we proved that your team just wasn't as good as you and everyone else thought it was.

Phenomenal game by Troy. If he's not the frontrunner for the Heisman going into next year, I don't know who would be. I watched the Rose Bowl last year, and I think Troy's performance tonight was more impressive than VY's last year (although VY's a great QB and I still really, really hope UT beats USC Wednesday). I'll say this--going into next year, there is not a college QB I'd rather have lead our team than Troy. He's a playmaker, a winner, and a leader.
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I don't know what to say that hasn't already been said. Big plays, Buckeye Speed, and the Boys on defense....a beautiful thing.

But when AJ got that defensive player of the game award, I couldn't help but get a little misty eyed. The head of a bunch of beloved seniors, the last game as a Buckeye. I'll miss every one of them, on or off the field.

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Oops, not supposed to bash former Bucks too, so my comment on Herbie were deleted. OK, Herbstreit continually makes himself look foolish by proclaiming the SC offense the greatest of all time. For some reason, he keeps saying this utterly ridiculous thing on national TV and it gets under my skin. You'd think a former Buckeye would know a little more about football.

Much better.
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Congratulations on the great win. The score was a lot closer than the game.

I have a feeling that on Wednesday night people will realize the national championship was decided on September 10th.

I can't wait for the game in Austin. Have a great offseason.

Tell it like it is xrayrandy - two of the best teams in the land met on 9/10 in Columbus.

We've done our part - now, you and the rest of the 'Horn nation go on and finish the good work.

Congratulations on a dream season to the 'Horns and the best of luck in Pasadena.
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