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Game Thread Tostitos Fiesta Bowl: Ohio State 34, Notre Dame 20 (final)

The game is there for the taking. Once again, great adjustments by Heacock. Now get ready for Weis' adjustments for the second half. Our offense has only been stopped by itself. One bad fumble (great stand by the D), and critical penalties. Eliminate the errors and we will be fine. If ND backs off, look for Pittman to have a big second half. Let's finish this.
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No one is mailing this one in yet, but I'm really glad we get the ball...a long drive and 28-7, and I think Notre Dame will be hard-pressed to put up 4 straight TDs on our D.
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So, are they gonna have a conjugal visit inside that giant bag of chips that guy was hiding in?

Are the Buckeyes playing against Notre Dame, or Notre Weis? Good thing everybody will get off the guy's jock after these next two quarters are over.
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Damn, we should have a minimum of 27 points. I can't eat. I'm pacing back and forth. Hell, I won't be able to relax until the game is over.

I had to type this message over about four times because I was butchering the ability to type.
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before it even starts can we PLEASE quell (for those of you who don't know, which is probably alot- "quell" means "stop" or "slow down") the Ted Ginn for Heisman '06. I'm pretty sure we had this EXACT same discussion we had after the Alamo Bowl last year...and we all saw how that worked out...

and please, please, PLEASE don't give me that shit about another year and maturation (I think everyone should be able to handle that word), and all the rest. Tressel (spelled correctly, unlike "Weis" on multiple posts on this board, yes, one "s")-bal,l will never really allow a Heisman candidate as it would never depend so heavily on one player.

ps bucknuts 44820 - amazing pics for midgame- much props
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