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Game Thread Tostitos Fiesta Bowl: Ohio State 34, Notre Dame 20 (final)

ND and Weis are frustrated. Right now, I think Charlie realizes he doesn't have the horses to win this...unless tOSU continues to make boneheaded plays. If the Bucks score on the frst drive of the second half, ND is in trouble.
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ND and Weis are frustrated. Right now, I think Charlie realizes he doesn't have the horses to win this...unless tOSU continues to make boneheaded plays. If the Bucks score on the frst drive of the second half, ND is in trouble.

ND is in trouble anyway, unless they stop throwing their hands up at each other. Maybe Weis has Mike Martz syndrome...mixing in the running game was effective for him early, but he just can't help throwing on every down. If they throw all 2nd half, they're dead meat regardless.
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We need to come out and get 7 on the first drive. ND is way to dangerous to be left in the game going into the second half. We blew 2 big scoring chances that we could have ha 14 points. A 28 point lead would be much different than a 14 point lead. Our D is good at making second half adjustments though, so lets hope we can get more pressure on Quinn, and hold them to the 7 points they already have.
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To be up by 14 with the turnovers and penalties is pretty darned good at this point...

I know I will take it. Halftime adjustments are key. We usually do a great job of adjusting at the half.

Ohio State's speed on the outside is simply killing ND.


Ohio State's Ted Ginn, Jr. (7) rushes for a touchdown with the help of a block from teammate Rob Sims (77) on Notre Dame defender Ambrose Wooden, obscured, in the first half of the Fiesta Bowl college football game, Monday, Jan. 2, 2006 at Sun Devil Stadium in Tempe, Ariz..

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Ohio State coach Jim Tressel encourages his team in the first half of the Fiesta Bowl college football game against Notre Dame, Monday, Jan. 2, 2006 at Sun Devil Stadium in Tempe, Ariz..

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Ohio State's Antonio Pittman is tackled by Notre Dame defenders Corey Mays, left, and Ronald Talley, right, in the first half of the Fiesta Bowl college football game, Monday, Jan. 2, 2006 at Sun Devil Stadium in Tempe, Ariz..
(AP Photo/Paul Connors) </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>


Notre Dame running back Darius Walker (3) looks for yardage against Ohio State denfenders Anthony Schlegel, left, Donte Whitner, top, and A.J. Hawk, right, in the first quarter of the Fiesta Bowl college football game, Monday, Jan. 2, 2006 at Sun Devil Stadium in Tempe, Ariz..


Ohio State's Santonio Holmes (4) is taken down by Notre Dame's Ambrose Wooden in the first quarter of the Fiesta Bowl college football game, Monday, Jan. 2, 2006 at Sun Devil Stadium in Tempe, Ariz..

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Ohio State quarterback Troy Smith (10) scrambles for yardage against Notre Dame's Corey Mays (46) in the first quarter of the Fiesta Bowl college football game, Monday, Jan. 2, 2006 in Tempe, Ariz..
(AP Photo/Matt York) </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

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Notre Dame receiver Maurice Stovall pulls in a pass in the first quarter of the Fiesta Bowl college football game agaisnt Ohio State, Monday, Jan. 2, 2006 at Sun Devil Stadium in Tempe, Ariz..
(AP Photo/Lenny Ignelzi) </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

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Ohio State fans from left Brian Culp, Nate Dehnning, and Brandon Zuckon, of Columbus, Ohio cheer as the Ohio State band plays prior to the start of the Fiesta Bowl college football game against Notre Dame, Monday, Jan. 2, 2006 in Tempe, Ariz..
(AP Photo/Matt York) </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>


Notre Dame quarterback Brady Quinn (10) sets to pass in the first quarter of the Fiesta Bowl college football game against Ohio State, Monday, Jan. 2, 2006 in Tempe, Ariz..
(AP Photo/Matt York)
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