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Game Thread Tostitos Fiesta Bowl: Ohio State 34, Notre Dame 20 (final)

We get the ball to start the second half, so hopefully we can go down and get some more of those points we left on the field.

To be up by 14 with the turnovers and penalties is pretty darned good at this point...
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After trading redzone turnovers and despite that less than stellar end of that drive I dont think we can ask for a better first half. Despite the lead I think it is CRITICAL we take the second half kickoff and get some points on the board. I dont think we will hold ND without scoring the entire second half and more than a 2 TD lead is crucial. BTW how do i get the damn ad.oinadserve to stop popping up despite two different pop up blockers going :(
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Wow, we should have at least 31, maybe 35 right now, but no complaints. I love seeing the vaunted Irish 2nd greatest offense in the history of the univers throwing their hands up at each other.

Weis compares us to Tennessee? WTF? How do you like us now?
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