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Game Thread Tostitos Fiesta Bowl: Ohio State 34, Notre Dame 20 (final)

hmmm, sowing the field for the crop of excuses that will be blooming after the game I see, lack of talent it is then :wink2:
I know you are playing with Chief, but he has been very consistent since before the game. We've discussed the game via PMs as early as November and he has always said tOSU will win this year...but the next few years might be different.
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That is called creating a no lose situation. Yes Ohio State is by far better.. then if they lose.. Hey he knew it was coming... If they win then wow they are the Best Team Ever, Duh!!

I do agree 100% in games like this bulletin board material means nothing in my opinion. The kids are fully ready and juiced there is nothing that will make them more up or down for this game.
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I know you are playing with Chief, but he has been very consistent since before the game. We've discussed the game via PMs as early as November and he has always said tOSU will win this year...but the next few years might be different.
point taken

here's to some great games down the road when Weis does have his recruiting classes in place :beer:

now we just have to schedule them so we can experience the future great teams first hand... cause you know we'll hear about how great the teams will be...
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You are correct Mili but IMO OSU has to much talent abyway for a war of words to matter. Give CW a few more recruitng classes and then he will have a more level playing field.

I'm not doubting ND will be more competitive in the future...my point is that a head coach can't dis (intentionally or not) the other without the players of the other taking exception. The level of a team's talent has nothing to do with its responding to a slam.
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You are correct Mili but IMO OSU has to much talent abyway for a war of words to matter. Give CW a few more recruitng classes and then he will have a more level playing field.

I have a problem with people giving Notre Dame excuses because they don't have "enough talent". ND is just a notch below us when it comes to recruiting classes these past few years. Before last year's class, they were doing better or just as good. Notre Dame finished 3rd in 2003, 5th in 2002, and 5th in 2001. These last 2 classes have been decent too. Notre Dame has talent, it just didn't have the coaching. If Notre Dame loses it won't be because they didn't have the talent, it will be because they simply didn't play or execute well enough.
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I have a problem with people giving Notre Dame excuses because they don't have "enough talent". ND is just a notch below us when it comes to recruiting classes these past few years. Before last year's class, they were doing better or just as good. Notre Dame finished 3rd in 2003, 5th in 2002, and 5th in 2001. These last 2 classes have been decent too. Notre Dame has talent, it just didn't have the coaching. If Notre Dame loses it won't be because they didn't have the talent, it will be because they simply didn't play or execute well enough.

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Even if Notre Dame isn't currently at the talent level of the Ohio States, the Texases, the Southern Californias, the Michigans, etc., of college football, they have no one to blame but themselves. They have the second winningest program in college football history and are arguably the most storied college football program of all-time...they have absolutely no excuses for not having most of the top high schooler players from around the country beating down their door to play at South Bend. Their history, tradition, and academics should simply sell themsleves.
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Even if Notre Dame isn't currently at the talent level of the Ohio States, the Texases, the Southern Californias, the Michigans, etc., of college football, they have no one to blame but themselves. They have the second winningest program in college football history and are arguably the most storied college football program of all-time...they have absolutely no excuses for not having most of the top high schooler players from around the country beating down their door to play at South Bend. Their history, tradition, and academics should simply sell themsleves.

And their own television network!
:oh: :io:
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