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Game Thread Tostitos Fiesta Bowl: Ohio State 34, Notre Dame 20 (final)

This is great...this should give us the final focus we need to kick their ass on Monday. I was worried that perhaps our guys may not be ready to go after hearing about the early week practices but after this trash...GO BUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:osu:
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Screw Weis and his superbowl rings. Those may mean something to ND, but not to anyone else. He hasn't proven shit in College football yet other than he is a good enough coach to roll mediocre or bad teams and sometimes lose to them. That statement mad me lose any respect that I may have had for that fat tub of shit. Fuck him. Fuck Notre Dame. I hope that they get the shit kicked out of them n both sides of the ball.
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Asked if his four NFL titles trump OSU coach Jim Tressel's five national crowns, Weis flashed the hood-ornament-sized Super Bowl ring adorning his hand and said, "I think my ONE trumps his five."
His NFL background — and that bling-bling — give him instant credibility.

"If I go into a kid's house," he quipped, "and I can get him to look at my hand instead of my face, I think I've got a good chance."

To Weis, recruiting in college offers a quick-fix that could never be found in the parity-driven pro league.

"Unlike the draft in the NFL, you can go out and get 10 first-round draft choices every year — just go out and out-work everybody," he said. "That's what the good programs do."

And OSU fans beware: Weis is targeting the Buckeye state.

"We're bringing some (players) out this year," he said of the three seniors who have given the Irish verbal commitments, "and we're going to be bringing more out every year."

Weis' cocksure style may have been what the Irish needed, but it's not likely to win him many supporters outside the program.

While Notre Dame has its legions of followers, it will always be the school most fans love to hate.

"It's like the Yankees," Weis said. "I grew up in Jersey a Yankees fan and never understood that, either. But I think Notre Dame is an independent and has its own TV deal ... and there's a lot of people that maybe get jealous.

"But when I decided to go to school here, I knew it was something special. And anyone who has gone to Notre Dame and walked that campus for four years — because we all graduate in four years, there's no one going on a five-year plan — you just know it's someplace different."
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Asked if his four NFL titles trump OSU coach Jim Tressel's five national crowns, Weis flashed the hood-ornament-sized Super Bowl ring adorning his hand and said, "I think my ONE trumps his five."
His NFL background — and that bling-bling — give him instant credibility.

"If I go into a kid's house," he quipped, "and I can get him to look at my hand instead of my face, I think I've got a good chance."

To Weis, recruiting in college offers a quick-fix that could never be found in the parity-driven pro league.

"Unlike the draft in the NFL, you can go out and get 10 first-round draft choices every year — just go out and out-work everybody," he said. "That's what the good programs do."

And OSU fans beware: Weis is targeting the Buckeye state.

"We're bringing some (players) out this year," he said of the three seniors who have given the Irish verbal commitments, "and we're going to be bringing more out every year."

Weis' cocksure style may have been what the Irish needed, but it's not likely to win him many supporters outside the program.

While Notre Dame has its legions of followers, it will always be the school most fans love to hate.

"It's like the Yankees," Weis said. "I grew up in Jersey a Yankees fan and never understood that, either. But I think Notre Dame is an independent and has its own TV deal ... and there's a lot of people that maybe get jealous.

"But when I decided to go to school here, I knew it was something special. And anyone who has gone to Notre Dame and walked that campus for four years — because we all graduate in four years, there's no one going on a five-year plan — you just know it's someplace different."

What a cocky son of a bitch. I hope we beat the shit out of them.

Fuck his one ring, he was an assistant coach.
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Fat Ass Weiss.... He has won SHIT as the head man. Nothing, nodda not one god damn thing and this fat fu** thinks he can talk shit? For real what the F*** has he won as the head coach? Oh that is right his biggest victory EVER is ALMOST beating USC. Way to go Fat F***!!!!
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A couple of my buds here have PM'd me saying they think this is going to be a major ass-beating, and up until now I was hesitant to agree, thinking it would be a close game...not any more. Weis is talking himself into a ass-pounding of epic proportions. You can see that same attitude in the ND players in the sound bytes today. What was even worse was slobber-meister Holtz saying ND will "hold" our offense to 34 points and win 37-34.
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