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TORRENT MEGATHREAD - Full Game Downloads!

DVD Folder or ISO?

  • DVD Folder

    Votes: 3 100.0%
  • ISO

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
dan_isaacs;918578; said:
Many thanks, guys. I've got my upload capped at 40KB for this torrent. Only 5mb downloaded so far, though.

once I get this downloaded, I'll divx encode it to shrink it 3 fold, and make a new torrent for it.

Awesome! Just make sure it'll de-interlace properly. I tried before and for whatever reason the end result didn't look as nice as an analog capture. I didn't really know what I was doing at the time though...

I got a program that converts DVD's to ipod format real nicely so you can watch it on a video ipod. Would anyone be interested if I do that to the YSU game and/or any other game?
Upvote 0
About 25% done. My download will be done about 2pm tomorrow afternoon. I will begin seeding then so things should start to speed up a small amount. We have about 50 peers now (peers=downloaders).
Upvote 0
Alrite, 33%... slow and steady... i hope i can have this done by tomorrow afternoon..

When you're using Azureus, what kb/s should i have this on for the download and upload?? I dont know much bout this stuff, so i keep adjusting the two kb/s options..

Is there a faster method?
Upvote 0
Buckeyecty4;918723; said:
Alrite, 33%... slow and steady... i hope i can have this done by tomorrow afternoon..

When you're using Azureus, what kb/s should i have this on for the download and upload?? I dont know much bout this stuff, so i keep adjusting the two kb/s options..

Is there a faster method?
No faster except someone mailing you a DVD lol. you are ahead of me at 27 % I am at 39 and 29 kb's up and down. It willl go faster when there are more seeders and less peers(downloaders)
Upvote 0
Just jumped on the YSU torrent train... thanks TimBUCK2 for getting this together!

Buckeyecty4;918723; said:
Alrite, 33%... slow and steady... i hope i can have this done by tomorrow afternoon..

When you're using Azureus, what kb/s should i have this on for the download and upload?? I dont know much bout this stuff, so i keep adjusting the two kb/s options..

Is there a faster method?

I was wondering the same thing and found this link on Azureus's wiki:
Good settings - AzureusWiki

My upload speed is around 270Kb/s so I used the settings from the 256 column. We'll see how they work... I'm currently 35-40 down and 25 up.
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Please seed

If you've finished your download, please continue to seed. Everyone that's completed the download so far has stopped sharing which makes it slower for the rest of us. Currently zero seeds and 172 leechers.

It's important to maintain the spirit of Bittorrent sharing.
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