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TORRENT MEGATHREAD - Full Game Downloads!

DVD Folder or ISO?

  • DVD Folder

    Votes: 3 100.0%
  • ISO

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
With very little intention of burning this game to DVD (though, I guess I will, I mean, why not?), I'm DLing it so that I can seed. Hopefully that'll help those of you who couldn't see it get it faster.

I'll do the same for Akron, and any other BTN game... to help out. Hell, I may do it for every game... But... anyway... there it is.
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Oh heck Ya big
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Wow, can someone help me.. i have no idea what i just downloaded? I just have a bunch of VOB (DVD files)... and can't play anything?? Did I do something wrong? I just wanted to watch the game and had no intention of burning it to DVD... Did i download the wrong thing?
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Buckeyecty4;919111; said:
Wow, can someone help me.. i have no idea what i just downloaded? I just have a bunch of VOB (DVD files)... and can't play anything?? Did I do something wrong? I just wanted to watch the game and had no intention of burning it to DVD... Did i download the wrong thing?
no you are fine. you just forgot to read the instructions in the wiki lol. go download VLC player from the net and it will play just fine by opening up the file named video_TS_1. these downloads will not play on media player
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I'm currently 50-65% done on all the VOB files. I see ~20 seeders with all of it, but they may be getting maxed out with connections. I suspect they just aren't allotting much bandwidth.

Overall, in 1d49m, I've downloaded 2.35GB, or 59%. My dl speeds are varying, 10kB/s-50kB/s. Uploading @ a steady 40kB/s. Of course, I'm in North Carolina. Must be nice to have a few dozen seeders in a few mile radius. Seems all you locals are the ones getting er done. :)

And if you feel any rage, just take a look at your newspaper today. There is a happy story on Page 1 of most of them. You might have to check the Sports page. But it's uplifting enough to brighten the darkest days.
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