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TORRENT MEGATHREAD - Full Game Downloads!

DVD Folder or ISO?

  • DVD Folder

    Votes: 3 100.0%
  • ISO

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
timBUCK2;918423; said:
Hey guys,

I just uploaded the 2007 Season Opener against Youngstown State.

PimpTorrent Tracker
Demonoid Tracker




Downloading. Temporarily pausing seeds for all other files to allocate the most bandwidth to this one.

Here's a game we can play for the rest of the season, and I'll need the mods to help out with this one. If you are seeding, you will get rep from me, Tim, the mods, and the rest of the community. Everybody help each other out and KEEP YOUR COMPUTERS ON!

(also I've been reppin Tim so much lately that I need to spread some rep around!)
Upvote 0
R0CK3TM4NN;918433; said:
Downloading. Temporarily pausing seeds for all other files to allocate the most bandwidth to this one.

Here's a game we can play for the rest of the season, and I'll need the mods to help out with this one. If you are seeding, you will get rep from me, Tim, the mods, and the rest of the community. Everybody help each other out and KEEP YOUR COMPUTERS ON!

(also I've been reppin Tim so much lately that I need to spread some rep around!)
I will be seeding also and be giving rep to all who seed. Just post in here that you are seeding after you get it downloaded. And don't forget to rep Tim and Rocket for all their hard work at bringing you these torrents. IT will take a long time to get the first download because there is only one seed and that will improve as others get it down so have patience and keep your download running. Don't be impatient.
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Upvote 0
Mmm, rep.


I will be seeding too.
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