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*looks around at everyone waiting in this thread*

...Do you guys hate the networks right now as much as I do? I've never been so disappointed on opening day in my whole life. What a shame that it wasn't even televised properly.
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It didn't completely ruin my opening day, but it certainly put a big damper on it! Michigan gettin beat by App. St. definitely made it a little better though, just embarrassing!! But it's ridiculous gettin shut out of a Buckeyes game in Ohio, I mean it's 2007!!
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trittschuh12;917957; said:
It didn't completely ruin my opening day, but it certainly put a big damper on it! Michigan gettin beat by App. St. definitely made it a little better though, just embarrassing!! But it's ridiculous gettin shut out of a Buckeyes game in Ohio, I mean it's 2007!!

Agreed. Michigan getting beat definitely helps. :biggrin:
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If it werent for my road runner i would definatly be getting rid of time warner....greedy bastards

When it comes to michigan, sorry but I personally hate that they lost that game...our big ten conference looks whimpy enough as it is...guess it all up to wisconsin and OSU to step it up.

Thanks to everyone involved in these osu torrents!...i didnt get the chance to watch the game either today, am looking forward to seeing our new offense in action (the score sounds like they did good)
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Speaking of the score, can we keep the actual digits of the outcome away from this thread? I still want it to be somewhat fresh when those of us who haven't watched it finally get the chance to.

Thanks in advance.
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Telekinesis;918033; said:
Speaking of the score, can we keep the actual digits of the outcome away from this thread? I still want it to be somewhat fresh when those of us who haven't watched it finally get the chance to.

LOL. I agree completely. I am avoiding all outside contacts until I get to see the game! Just waiting for the link.
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ExpatBuckeye;918037; said:
LOL. I agree completely. I am avoiding all outside contacts until I get to see the game! Just waiting for the link.

I've been doing the exact same thing. I refuse to click on any links on the net, I absolutely will not watch any local or sports related channels on television (matter of fact, it's off), my phone is turned off, etc. It's pretty sad, actually. I feel like a prisoner during this BTN battle.
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Oh, I saw the game, every minute. And I still can't wait to see it again on my PC. Even knowing the score, and seeing the scores, I want to take a closer look at how things went. Who missed blocks, who made them, who made tackles, who took on blockers so someone else could make a tackle. Who ran a good route. Etc..
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