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TORRENT MEGATHREAD - Full Game Downloads!

DVD Folder or ISO?

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    Votes: 3 100.0%
  • ISO

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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any chance of the 03 season?

am dl'ing all the dvd's now for my sister (who is not quite so computer-oriented), will seed at least 200%. im really glad to see someone else putting out quality releases (i dont do sports, but still...); she really wants the championship season, and suprisingly i havent found it anywhere-- is there any chance of u putting them out during the off season, or do u know where i could find any? ps, i am currently using a hdtv wonder for my tv cap purposes-- but the tivo hack sounds interesting, i had heard of it before but didnt know u could do it without converting, do u know if tivo (or any tivo clones) can record HD?
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When I last checked a month or two ago they had not figured out how to hack the HD TiVos yet.

We've decided as a community to not reditribute commercial DVDs like the National Championship DVD. Surprisingly, I haven't had anyone send me a copy of the NC game that they recorded on VHS, so I can't create a DVD for it.

eBay regularly has the official DVD on sale. You can usually buy it for $20-$30 or so.
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I have talked to many OSU fans and I have not come across anyone who has any games from 2002 on VHS. I am still looking and hopefully I can come across some if not all from that magical year.
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Merry Christmas(New Game Torrent Added)

well my first torrent, and its a good one.

2002 Ohio State vs Michigan Game


big file, gonna need 2 DVDs

edit: just made another one...this only took about 30 minutes...here it is game #2


2004 Indiana vs Ohio State

Troy Smith's 1st start at Quarterback.

Just Burn the Files just like timBUCK2's


would anyone download them if i posted torrents of the 2004 UM game, and the 04 MSU game, both DVD rips, same quality as the Indiana game?

when i get the 97 rose bowl in the mail, i will post that too...im also looking into both fiesta bowls.
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Personally I would be interested in pretty much any and every Buckeye game that anyone can come up with.

That being said I'd steer away from the two Fiesta bowls since they are both commercially available and the University very likely collects royalties from each DVD sold.
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