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TORRENT MEGATHREAD - Full Game Downloads!

DVD Folder or ISO?

  • DVD Folder

    Votes: 3 100.0%
  • ISO

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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  • Poll closed .
That is awesome timBUCK. I would like to thanks you again for your hard work putting together these incredible videos! I played the scUM game last night after the Fiesta Bowl for the first time on a real TV (not my computer). It looks just as incredible as it does on the PC - the quality is fantastic, particularly for a single DVD. Thanks for your hard work and I look forawrd to your '06 Fiesta Bowl video - my goal is to be the first one seeding (other than you).:bow:
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Would it be possible to get someone to seed the Alamo Bowl & both NC State games. Those are the only ones that haven't made it all the way through yet...and the 03 NCState game has been sitting on 0 all along.

Thanks in advance!

BTW working out a deal right now that should let me acquire 20 or so classic Buckeye games, we'll see how that goes!!
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Would it be possible to get someone to seed the Alamo Bowl & both NC State games. Those are the only ones that haven't made it all the way through yet...and the 03 NCState game has been sitting on 0 all along.

Thanks in advance!

BTW working out a deal right now that should let me acquire 20 or so classic Buckeye games, we'll see how that goes!!

Alamo Bowl should be up and running for ya...:)

I don't have the others, sorry...
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FINALLY ripping the the Fiesta bowl to divx...man there were some issues with my commercial cutting software. Hopefully it worked, and hopefully the divx will work...

Or hopefully, Timbuck2 is having better luck than I am...
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