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TORRENT MEGATHREAD - Full Game Downloads!

DVD Folder or ISO?

  • DVD Folder

    Votes: 3 100.0%
  • ISO

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Would someone be willing to make a torrent of today's b-ball game w/ Indiana?

If someone would be willing to make a Torrent of today's b-ball game between Ohio State and Indiana I would REALLY appreciate it. In my area they are showing Conneticut vs. LSU instead.
Thanks much!

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Important Info on full Length DVD

This DVD .iso file is the one linked in the topmost message.

I have good news and bad news ... its important that I share this as it takes time and patience for folks to download these files.

The Good News -

All the game is there -

All the menus work you can select which Quarter to view

The Bad news -

As some of us noted during the game there were several blackouts (lasting less than a second each) these are present on the finished DVD. There is nothing I could do about this, they were part of the original broadcast and are now preserved for posterity.

Sadly, one of those blackouts comes right at the beginning of Ginn's electrifying rushing TD. There are at least 2 other regular speed renditions of this play on the disc without interruption.

Because of the glitches in broadcast there was difficulty in segregating / identifying the commercials. Though I went through this file by hand before rendering the DVD files two individual commercials were preserved. :( In addition there are some isolated instances (five that I could see) of pixelation associated with the return to regular broadcasting.

In our local area there was a storm warning going on - there is thus an icon in the top right part of the screen until about the third quarter. (I think enough fans called in to tell ABC local to get that off the screen by then).

Lastly, for reasons I do not understand the roll-over from Quarter 1 to Quarter 2 does not happen smoothly - instead you get dumped back to the DVD menu. Transitions from Q2 to Q3, and Q3 to Q4 work normally.

QUESTION - Should I pull the file and re-work it to get the commercial interruptions out and try and fix the Quarter to Quarter transition problems? There is nothing I can do about the weather icon and broadcast origination blackouts - which are more annoyances than anything else.
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I removed my recommendation of CDBurnerXP Pro from the first post. Unfortunately, I can't remove it from the torrent files or the torrent website. :(

Sorry if I caused you to waste any DVDRs!!!
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I am having problems printing the cd labels and covers...how do i do that?
what size do I pick?
Here's how I did it (using the graphics included in the torrent file)

To print the DVD Covers
I opened a new Microsoft Word document.
Then I set it to landscape and set all the margins to 0. (Word then lets you "fix" the margins to the smallest size possible)
In the word document, I hit enter twice to provide some spacing.
Then I inserted the DVDCover.jpg file onto the page and printed it on standard Letter paper.
Then I cut out the picture from the printout and put it into my blank DVD cover.

To print the DVD Face Label
I purchased Memorex CD/DVD Label Maker system from WalMart for $11.
You can buy it here online:
It comes with a program (ExpressIt) that lets you drag and drop the pictures I made into a print template

You could also buy the same kind of product to make your DVD Covers - I'm cheap and saved a few bucks by making them in Word and cutting them out by hand with a paper cutter.

When you use my DVD cover images, keep in mind they're designed for "full width" DVD covers.
These look like the ones I used: http://www.buy.com/retail/product.asp?sku=10362209&loc=101&rp=true

Some other people have created their own DVD cover images that are designed for the "slim width" DVD covers. For those images, you would use covers like these: http://www.buy.com/retail/product.asp?sku=10357207&loc=101&rp=true

Hope this helps!
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QUESTION - Should I pull the file and re-work it to get the commercial interruptions out and try and fix the Quarter to Quarter transition problems? There is nothing I can do about the weather icon and broadcast origination blackouts - which are more annoyances than anything else.

Personally I would say that you've done more than enough.

If you decide to go back and fiddle some more, do it for yourself.
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