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TORRENT MEGATHREAD - Full Game Downloads!

DVD Folder or ISO?

  • DVD Folder

    Votes: 3 100.0%
  • ISO

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I'm seeding the following games from Timbuck2's list:

2005 Iowa
2005 SDSU
2005 Minn

good because im downloading the iowa game, i had it already and burned it, but it wont play on my dvd player...it will only play in my computer...and then i tried to rip it to my computer but it wont rip VTS_01_1.VOB....for some reason...so i have to download the whole thing over again.
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I hope so b/c ive had the torrent up since this morning and it has yet to connect to anyone. I really appreciate you trying though. I just hope it connects. Thanks!

I've got three peers now one at 75% and 2 at 85% hopefully you can hook up with them or me, if you still can't connect. Turn off your computer and restart or maybe you need another bit torrent program. Bit Comet or Azureus does the best through a firewall. If you have a router, Try Bit Comet and consider port forwarding. I did this and really helped with connecting to the people for the these torrents when only a few people would be on them. It worked much better than bit tornado. My speeds were much better and it made more connections.
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