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TORRENT MEGATHREAD - Full Game Downloads!

DVD Folder or ISO?

  • DVD Folder

    Votes: 3 100.0%
  • ISO

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Long Down Load

I am trying to download the OSU UM 2005 game. First time doing this. However, it seems to be going extraordinarily slow. I am been downloading for 9 hours, and only have 1.1% of the game. I have a fairly fast DSL line, but it is only downloading 4 kbs right now. Is there anything I can do to speed it up? Thanks!

Go Bucks!
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My server says that this torrent is going pretty fast:

Swarm Speed: 389.1 kB/s
Average Speed Per User: 21.2 kB/s

You can check it in real time here:
Check My Seed Server Status

You're well below that so you may have some problems with your software/firewall setup. If your torrents are going slow, go here.

Note that these are both listed in the first post in this thread. :wink2:
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I know we've been pretty spoiled here by simply being able to download what you put tons of work into (which if it hasn't been said enough yet, THANKS) is their any word on when you might see a fiesta bowl? I'd rather wait for your version to complete the season set.
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I am sure someone has already posted something like this but this is just a reminder, to those who download the games make sure you seed them for a while after you have fully downloaded a game. This Bit-Torrent thing works by the more seeders you have the faster the download will go. The guys putting games up can't keep seeding all their games if they are going to put up new ones. So keep the seeding up and the new or classic games will continue to be uploaded. Thank You.
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Keep seeding everyone!

I am sure someone has already posted something like this but this is just a reminder, to those who download the games make sure you seed them for a while after you have fully downloaded a game. This Bit-Torrent thing works by the more seeders you have the faster the download will go. The guys putting games up can't keep seeding all their games if they are going to put up new ones. So keep the seeding up and the new or classic games will continue to be uploaded. Thank You.
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can someone please seed 95 illinois? Its been weeks running, and im only around 80% with no end in sight... I was only in 5th grade at the time, and never got to see this game. Now that I'm older and wiser, I have to set my 21 year old eyes upon this investiture in the Legend of Eddie.

any help is appreciated! :osu:
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I get this question a lot, so I thought I'd post it in the forums here...

45Forever said:
Sorry to bother you again, but how do you keep the quality of your games up converting them from your DVR to DV/D When I convert mine they have to be compressed to fit on one disc. I have seen where some guys are using 2 discs for football games and that is fine, but I would really like to have my games on one disc. Now my basketball games fit on one disc fine because without comercials they are 45 minutes to an hour smaller than the football games. Let me know. Also I had mentioned something to Rocketmann about the basketball games next year when the "Thad Five" come in, making them like you have done with this years football games (Collectors Editon), what do you think? I can help out in anyway possible. Couple more questions, should I be making my DVDs with menus as you have done? Would that be something everyone would be interested in? And how hard, and how much time does it take you make them? I am all for this project and hope we can continue uploading Ohio State games for years to come.
I use a hacked DirecTV TiVo to get such small files. My files are the direct digital broadcast so there's never any reencoding.

Most people get a digital broadcast, but they have to record it in analog format - then reencode it to digital. This process makes the files bigger and reduces the quality since they use a $2000 home computer to encode the video. I'm getting the signal encoded using DirecTV's $20 million dollar muxers instead of a home PC.

It took a lot of work to get my TiVo hacked and that's the only way I'm aware of to record the video in straight digital. Even the DVRs with a built in DVD burner still convert from digital to analog and lose quality/increase file size.

You can learn more about it from www.dealdatabase.com and www.tivocommunity.com. Note that you will probably need DirecTV (or maybe Dish) to do this and the right kind of TiVo DVR. (Mine is a DirecTiVo Series 2)

My DVDs aren't standard DVD resulution. Most DVD video is 720x480 whereas myine are 480x480. That's the format of SVCDs which is why some older DVD players can't handle my DVDs. When I author my menus, I actually make 2x 30 second long videos - one for the game and one for the highlight video. Then I make the DVD menus out of those videos in ULead MF4 so I don't have to do a lot of reencoding. I then use a program called pgcedit to replace the two 30 second videos with the full length videos and reprogram the menus so the files line up.

It's a lengthy process that took a long time to figure out, but now that I know how to do it, it only takes 2 hours to put out a DVD with ultra-compressed video files and motion menus. (Of course the highlight videos take quite a bit of time to make also)

Hope that helps!
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What do you guys think of this?

If I had more bandwidth, I'd put out stuff like the Army All American game, the good basketball games, and the classic tOSU games when ESPN reairs them. I was thinking about putting together some sort of volunteer system, where I could put a couple of people specifically in charge of maintaining each of these torrents.

My bandwidth is spent sharing the season DVDs, and I'm reluctant to make those torrents any slower since I put so much work into making them.

Anyone interested in setting some sort of system like this out? I do have the 06 US Army All American game (aka the Chris Wells High School Super Bowl) and a few good 06 BB games on my TiVo already.
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an interesting proposition. Is there anything problematic about offering recordings of cable programming (ie ESPN broadcasts) for free? I'm asking, I really do not know the answer.
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