Tim the Enchanter... WOLVERINE SLAYER!!
There are some differences between content restrictions for over-the-air broadcasts since the airwaves are public domain leased out by the government.an interesting proposition. Is there anything problematic about offering recordings of cable programming (ie ESPN broadcasts) for free? I'm asking, I really do not know the answer.
I wouldn't think the sharing of cable programming would be any different, but I could be wrong. Note that some of the Buckeye games are on network channels and some are only on cable channels.
FWIW - the USAAB and most of the BB games are network programming. We could also delay the distribution for a week or two so that people don't try to use these files instead of buying cable TV in addition to not charging for the downloads.
With all the DVRs, TiVo to Go, and those PVRs that let you stream live TV across the internet, I think the regulations are still being written to keep up with the technology. I will say that it's my intention to not do anything that hurts tOSU, ABC, ESPN, DirecTV, Time Warner, etc, etc. My hope is that this will generate new interest and improve the reach of these organizations and not impair them since we all appreciate how much effort and expense they put into bringing us the amazing high-quality live broadcasts.
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