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TORRENT MEGATHREAD - Full Game Downloads!

DVD Folder or ISO?

  • DVD Folder

    Votes: 3 100.0%
  • ISO

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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I really like your scUM DVD cover. I wanted to do something fancy with mine, but I already had my hands full with the Highlight videos and the DVD authoring, so I stuck with a format that I could make in under an hour.

If you can provide me with a hi-res version, I'll gladly post it as an alternate DVD cover.

If you're game, I think it would be really neat to make covers like this for all the games next season. Let me know if you or your friend would be interested.
Yep just PM your email and I'll send it to you. I'll get you other guys too, the power has been out. Damn ice storm. Yeah I think he may have done the other games this season with the same format. I'll check with him.

Looking forward to more DVDs.
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My Work Here Is Done

I just finished the Illinois Game 9 DVD!! :biggrin: You can download it here.

Believe it or not, that means that the entire Ohio State 2005 season is now available for download! I'm gonna go get really drunk to celebrate!

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You're on!! :biggrin: I think we should start with the one where OSU bitchslaps Notre Dame!

Can you make matching DVD face labels too?

Hell yeah, I'll be on it. I might as well do the covers for this season because it's still a great season and I would like to make great covers for this year.

Ohio State better put down a good show against Notre Dame so it'll be easier to make the cover without making any groaning sounds after a loss. Damn Penn State and Texas.
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I guess beggars can be choosers..? :roll1: Wouldn't it be nice if people realized how much time and effort this stuff takes?

As it would if some folks would take tongue in cheek comments at face value and not work so hard at being offended.

I have no doubts that R0CK3TM4NN knows just how appreciative we all are of the work he has put in.

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Yep just PM your email and I'll send it to you. I'll get you other guys too, the power has been out. Damn ice storm. Yeah I think he may have done the other games this season with the same format. I'll check with him.
I've added a download link to your friend's DVD artwork to the first post. You can also download them here:

osugrad02's Alternatative DVD Face/Covers (2005 Full Season) -- 12/18/05

They're pretty sweet and they're designed to fit the "slim" DVD cases. The ones I made are for the thick cases.

If anyone else wants to create/add their own cover art, just let me know! If you're using Adobe Photoshop, I found a cool site with guide templates that can help you make sure your measurements are right.

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I've added a download link to your friend's DVD artwork to the first post. You can also download them here:

osugrad02's Alternatative DVD Face/Covers (2005 Full Season) -- 12/18/05

They're pretty sweet and they're designed to fit the "slim" DVD cases. The ones I made are for the thick cases.

If anyone else wants to create/add their own cover art, just let me know! If you're using Adobe Photoshop, I found a cool site with guide templates that can help you make sure your measurements are right.


Thanks, I'll try to get couple of covers in tomorrow. I'll be working my way backwards, starting with scUM, of course. :biggrin:
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