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TORRENT MEGATHREAD - Full Game Downloads!

DVD Folder or ISO?

  • DVD Folder

    Votes: 3 100.0%
  • ISO

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
If you guys can make sure you're seeding, that may help save someone's Christmas :)

Please make a concerted effort to seed until Christmas everyone can complete the series in time!!!

Give a shout out if you're seeding and I'll throw you a couple of greenies :biggrin:
I don't have all of the Miami or Texas games yet, but I have completely downloaded the other eight and have uploaded over 20Gb in the last 7 days. :biggrin:
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Tim, you've done a spectactular job on these DVD's. They are awesome. I hope to not step on anyone's toes here, but a friend of mine designed a new cover for the Michigan game. It was too awesome to not share. I have a feeling that some of the pics maybe copyrighted. So I'll take this chance to give credit to original sources whatever they may be.

Anyway, here is a lower resolution example in my signature. If you want it, PM and I'll email to you.

These are formatted to fit slim DVD cases.

Go Bucks!
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Kick ass 45Forever! I'll download it and seed it for good!! That was my last game I saw as a student and I can never forget running into the field after the game only to be caught in between the Buckeye players who were rushing out. I high-fived with Michael Wiley and Dee Miller! Man those were the days!
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The 98 scUM game is goin' sloooooow. I've had it on for a day now and it has averaged around 3.5 K/s. 45Forever, are you seeding anything else? If so, could it be possible to open up more bandwidth for the 98 scUM game so we can get more seeders?
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I'm seeing Iowa and can seed others if ppl need it.

Just a thought for maybe something to try next year if it is done again. We should see about getting a recording of the radio broadcast (I can do it if need be) and to that as an alternate audio track.
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I just got a hold of a "Buckeye Classics" VHS of the 95 Notre Dame game...it's not the actual "game" it's like an ESPN Classic synopsis of the game. It has every play but not the actual broadcast. Anyone interested? If so, I'll rip it to divx (dunno how to do it to dvd). Lemme know!
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