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TORRENT MEGATHREAD - Full Game Downloads!

DVD Folder or ISO?

  • DVD Folder

    Votes: 3 100.0%
  • ISO

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Michigan DVD cover image

Hey, I am hoping someone can help and send me the file or a link to the cover images for the Michigan DVD. Stupid me deleted the images folder and I am not looking forward to redownloading the whole torrent and can't reseed without them. Thanks, James
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Okay. I finally burned a DVD today. I used CDBurnerXP Pro which is freeware. It took me 5 and half minutes to burn the Michigan game but I don't have the ability to toggle between the two menu choices when the DVD is played in my DVD player. This is obviously not a big deal, but I am afraid that I am leaving out a step when I burn the DVDs. Can anyone help out on this. In addition I have a copy of the 2002 Fiesta Bowl with pregame and postgame Gameday that was not purchased or recorded commercially. Is this something that the board would be interested in, and if so, how do I upload it.
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Okay. I finally burned a DVD today. I used CDBurnerXP Pro which is freeware. It took me 5 and half minutes to burn the Michigan game but I don't have the ability to toggle between the two menu choices when the DVD is played in my DVD player. This is obviously not a big deal, but I am afraid that I am leaving out a step when I burn the DVDs. Can anyone help out on this. In addition I have a copy of the 2002 Fiesta Bowl with pregame and postgame Gameday that was not purchased or recorded commercially. Is this something that the board would be interested in, and if so, how do I upload it.
The DVDs really only have one menu - the motion menu that lets you pick between the highlight video and the game itself. The other "menu" plays The Best Damn Band In The Land. You really don't get much by skipping back and forth between them - unless maybe you were in the band :tongue2:

Did I understand your question or am I right out?
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I see the one menu I just can't toggle between the game and the highlight video. Like I said, NBD, I can just skip ahead to chapter six to watch the highlight video but I just want to make sure I have not compromised the overall quality of the recording by not downloading something that would allow me switch between the two boxes.
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Also, to upload the 2002 Fiesta Bowl, this is what you do.

Note these instructions are for Azureus, but the same principle applies to any BT software...
  1. In Azureus choose File -> New Torrent
  2. Check "Use an External Tracker" and type in http://tracker.prq.to/announce
  3. Choose the 'Directory' option and click next (Add a comment if you like)
  4. Browse to the folder containing the NC Game and then click next
  5. Check "Open the torrent for seeding when done" and "Allow decentralized tracking when the tracker is unavailable" and click Finish.
Azureus will process your file and add hashes that allow it to be broken into pieces for bit torrent transfers.
  1. Then go to www.thepiratebay.org.
  2. Create a free login account and log in.
  3. Click the "Upload Torrent" link at the bottom of the page
  4. Select the Torrent File that Azureus created in step 5 above
  5. Complete the form and click the Upload button (Note: Sometimes I get an error the first time and have to fill out the form again and submit again)
Then copy the URL from the address bar once the upload is complete. You can post that here and other people will help you get the seed going :biggrin:

It's really not that bad - Good Luck!!!
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I see the one menu I just can't toggle between the game and the highlight video. Like I said, NBD, I can just skip ahead to chapter six to watch the highlight video but I just want to make sure I have not compromised the overall quality of the recording by not downloading something that would allow me switch between the two boxes.
You mean you can't select between the "Highlight Video" box and the "Play the Game" box?
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Hey, I am hoping someone can help and send me the file or a link to the cover images for the Michigan DVD. Stupid me deleted the images folder and I am not looking forward to redownloading the whole torrent and can't reseed without them. Thanks, James

Just restart the torrent. Instead of downloading the whole thing there should be an option to just download certain files. (In bit comet its the first screen) Just select the part where the covers are. If that doesn't work, just PM me and I'll email them to you tonite after work.

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BexleyBuck, and any of the others out there not familiar w/ the DVD file system.

make sure you are putting a 'AUDIO_TS' & 'VIDEO_TS' folder on the DVD when burning. I use nero express, and it sort of defaults to these two types of folders, and I just dump all the files d/l in the torrent into the 'VIDEO_TS' folder. The 'AUDIO_TS' folder needs to be on the DVD, but it actually contains nothing.

Not sure if this may help you, but it may be what's snagging you!

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Do I have to transfer the files from the DVD onto my hard drive to make the new torrent (I get an error message when I try to do this) or can I do it directly from the DVD. For some reason I can't do it directly from this DVD recording. In addition this is a two disc set. I really want to get this posted for you guys. It has pregame and postgame sportscenter, gameday, halftime, and even the field goal kicking contest between cheerleaders. Sorry to clutter the board with my this stuff, but I am having a hard time doing this.
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