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TORRENT MEGATHREAD - Full Game Downloads!

DVD Folder or ISO?

  • DVD Folder

    Votes: 3 100.0%
  • ISO

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Eh, it's not really a big deal. Look at ThePirateBay.org and look at how many threats they've had, even from Microsoft and such. None of them went any further, other than letters.

Plus seeding the game DVD for non-profit reason will be fine because that's basically what people uses ThePirateBay.org. Look at many other movies or games.

The reason why no one has sued ThePirateBay.org is because of their legal excuse...creating/having "back ups."

We are backing up our copy of the national championship DVD that we own. That is legal.
Upvote 0
Eh, it's not really a big deal. Look at ThePirateBay.org and look at how many threats they've had, even from Microsoft and such. None of them went any further, other than letters.

Plus seeding the game DVD for non-profit reason will be fine because that's basically what people uses ThePirateBay.org. Look at many other movies or games.

The reason why no one has sued ThePirateBay.org is because of their legal excuse...creating/having "back ups."

We are backing up our copy of the national championship DVD that we own. That is legal.

Granted that it is done, and done rather safely... But if we do it, we don't need to bring buckeyeplannet into it.
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Eh, it's not really a big deal. Look at ThePirateBay.org and look at how many threats they've had, even from Microsoft and such. None of them went any further, other than letters.

Plus seeding the game DVD for non-profit reason will be fine because that's basically what people uses ThePirateBay.org. Look at many other movies or games.

The reason why no one has sued ThePirateBay.org is because of their legal excuse...creating/having "back ups."

We are backing up our copy of the national championship DVD that we own. That is legal.

yes, it is possible and there are ways around the copyright. We have just made a collective decision not to mess with copyrighted material on this site.
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Granted that it is done, and done rather safely... But if we do it, we don't need to bring buckeyeplannet into it.
My biggest objection to it is that you're ripping off OSU licensed merchandise.

If you wanted the DVD, you should have bought it. In fact, you can still buy it on ebay. As soon as ABC/ESPN get their heads out of their asses and start selling the regular season games on DVD, I'll gladly buy those.

That's just my two cents. Not that anyone asked... :tongue2:
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We are backing up our copy of the national championship DVD that we own. That is legal.
Those who want to download it probably do not own it. There may be a few exceptions to this rule, but the freedom for theft is apparent. For example, why not have someone upload their 2005 OSU BCS bowl dvd the minute it hits the stores? Most fans would not have pre-ordered it, so therefore we would be supplying a retail dvd to steal via download instead of buying it.

This is a great website that provides its community with so many different things. Why would we want to jeopardize that over a $10 dvd?
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Welcome to BP and thanks for your support in this project!

The downloads for scUM 05 have gone up to 454 in a few days for the divx so I guess maybe the tracker isn't lying. It almost always shows a number that's waaaay less than what it really is.
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I"m looking for a host of the 95 Illni game. Can anyone oblige? I am currently on '05 Mich State and ' 05 NW and '05 Minnesota. Will host other '05's requested.

I really appreciate this torrent project. I've been using bittorrent for years, but didn't stumble on to this until about 2 weeks ago. Its awesome. Are there any plans for some older games? Rose Bowl, '02 Mich, or any "02 game for that matter.

Thanks so much Tim.
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