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TORRENT MEGATHREAD - Full Game Downloads!

DVD Folder or ISO?

  • DVD Folder

    Votes: 3 100.0%
  • ISO

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Just checked the tracker and it says the 05 scUM game divx has been download 452 times and the dvd 272 times. Can that be right?! Either way...it got well over 10 times the downloads that the next closest game got (Illinois divx at 42 downloads). Kinda nuts. Nice work, guys!
Upvote 0
when i try to burn the dvd files using nero, im having a problem because, somehow im burning and "image", and the dvd is not burning...usually when it is burning, you can hear it, but the light on the dvd drive isnt blinkinh or anything, when the burn process says it is completed, i try to play the cd, its blank..

does anyone know how to solve this problem, meybe some settings that need to be changed?
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Oh, and if you need the '04 scUM game on DVD - I've got one I made from a purely digital source w/ a nice full motion background and Pre/Post Game/Quarterly breakdown.

Let me know if you could find this usefull. Not sure I could host the Primary seed, but I could mail it to you and let you do your thing.

Trying to do my part for 'The Nation'!

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when i try to burn the dvd files using nero, im having a problem because, somehow im burning and "image", and the dvd is not burning...usually when it is burning, you can hear it, but the light on the dvd drive isnt blinkinh or anything, when the burn process says it is completed, i try to play the cd, its blank..

does anyone know how to solve this problem, meybe some settings that need to be changed?

It sounds like your drive is set to "Image Recorder" instead of your DVD burner. Usually there's a dropdown list at the top of the screen, otherwise probably in options or prefs. Make sure Nero also recognizes your drive.
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Oh, and if you need the '04 scUM game on DVD - I've got one I made from a purely digital source w/ a nice full motion background and Pre/Post Game/Quarterly breakdown.

Let me know if you could find this usefull. Not sure I could host the Primary seed, but I could mail it to you and let you do your thing.

Trying to do my part for 'The Nation'!


If the picture is great, I would surely hell want you to find a way to give it a torrent file!
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Oh, and if you need the '04 scUM game on DVD - I've got one I made from a purely digital source w/ a nice full motion background and Pre/Post Game/Quarterly breakdown.

Let me know if you could find this usefull. Not sure I could host the Primary seed, but I could mail it to you and let you do your thing.

Trying to do my part for 'The Nation'!

Lane, is this DVD homemade or commercial? If it's homemade, I'll help you get the seed started :)
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I use a lot of programs specifically because I'm using a hacked TiVo to get the really good quality video with really good compression.

If you were using a standard video capture card and you were trying to do what I do, you would basically only need 2 programs.

1) VideoRedo - Great program for editing out commercials (it can even auto-detect them fairly well). Also has a nice 'Quick Fix' feature that ensures that the video is MPEG2 compliant.

2) ULead DVD Movie Factory 4 - I use this just to create the motion menus, but you can use this program to author the whole DVD.

That's really all you would need.

Now if you're hacking a TiVo, then it's a whole 'nother story. :wink2:
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Just checked the tracker and it says the 05 scUM game divx has been download 452 times and the dvd 272 times. Can that be right?! Either way...it got well over 10 times the downloads that the next closest game got (Illinois divx at 42 downloads). Kinda nuts. Nice work, guys!
How in the hell do you do that?!? :)

Seriously, I know mine's been downloaded at least 30 times and it only shows 4 for me. At that rate the divx one probably has been downloaded 3,390 times!
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Ok this is my first post but have been reading this forum for over a year now. I have d/l Michigan 2005 and the 1995 Illnois game and will seed them as much as I can. Hopefully if anyone has more classic games they will get them up for downloading soon. There are alot of older games I would love to have on DVD. Thanks and continue the seeding and uploading.
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Thank you for the information. That'll help me get started on it!

By the way, are you planning on doing a DVD for the bowl game?

An intersting question...would there be any way of trying to recapture the 2002 season because it is one of the best seasons of all-time and it should be perserved somehow.
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I would love to have the 2002 season. I have the national championship DVD, but I don't know if anyone has the games recorded off television.

If anyone has them, give a shout out!

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