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My seed server was down for a little while yesterday. I've been swamped at work so I haven't been keeping as close an eye on it as normal.

I am not going to have time to complete the Illinois highlight video before XMas. I'm going to use the 2004 Season Highlight video from TrojArk on the Illinois DVD instead.

I'm still planning on creating the Illinois highlight, but I just don't have enough time to do it right.

I'm authoring the DVD now, and I'm going to try really hard to release it in the next 24 hours. I'll probably dedicate 75% of my bandwidth to it, so please help other people out by seeding extra hard until Dec. 25th.
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Tim, you've done a spectactular job on these DVD's. They are awesome. I hope to not step on anyone's toes here, but a friend of mine designed a new cover for the Michigan game. It was too awesome to not share. I have a feeling that some of the pics maybe copyrighted. So I'll take this chance to give credit to original sources whatever they may be.

Anyway, here is a lower resolution example in my signature. If you want it, PM and I'll email to you.

These are formatted to fit slim DVD cases.

Go Bucks!
I really like your scUM DVD cover. I wanted to do something fancy with mine, but I already had my hands full with the Highlight videos and the DVD authoring, so I stuck with a format that I could make in under an hour.

If you can provide me with a hi-res version, I'll gladly post it as an alternate DVD cover.

If you're game, I think it would be really neat to make covers like this for all the games next season. Let me know if you or your friend would be interested.
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Anyone else try to convert the Alamo Bowl xvid back to DVD?

When I try to splice the two files together using VirtualDub I'm getting an error because the audio sampling rates are not the same for the two files (17291.00000 vs 17324.00000).

Anyone have a work around for the problem?
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Thanks man. I read the FAQ and now I know a bit more. My Ill download is at 40% but it hasn't moved in 3 days. I have other things downloading but this one seems to be stuck.

If you're at 38.3% at the time of this post, then it's you downloading from me. :biggrin: I'll leave it up. Check and see if it's you. I've got 4 upload slots open, so you should be able to get it from me unless you're doing something wrong...:)

EDIT: Sweet, got a couple more peers out there for 98 scUM...Starting to speed up a little...
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Is there anyone who's willing to seed this year's Michigan game, the DVD edition? I'm just leaving it on while I'm out of town until Monday, and if you do, please let me know you did so I can thank you properly. Hope it's done when I get back.

This is part of a Christmas Present I'm making. :)
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I really like your scUM DVD cover. I wanted to do something fancy with mine, but I already had my hands full with the Highlight videos and the DVD authoring, so I stuck with a format that I could make in under an hour.

If you can provide me with a hi-res version, I'll gladly post it as an alternate DVD cover.

If you're game, I think it would be really neat to make covers like this for all the games next season. Let me know if you or your friend would be interested.

I definitely can do that after looking at that cover. It's all about knowing how to use Photoshop very well with cropping and all that jazz. It's easy to do that. I'll love to help out with creating high resolution covers. It'll be a honor to do so.
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I definitely can do that after looking at that cover. It's all about knowing how to use Photoshop very well with cropping and all that jazz. It's easy to do that. I'll love to help out with creating high resolution covers. It'll be a honor to do so.
You're on!! :biggrin: I think we should start with the one where OSU bitchslaps Notre Dame!

Can you make matching DVD face labels too?
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