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ORD_Buckeye;1614839; said:
And one more thing about Tebow of Nazareth. The next time that the announcers shove him being an honor student down our throat, I'd also like for them to mention that his major is family, youth and community sciences. That's a fancy fucking word for HOME ECONOMICS. It's about as fraudulent a major as is kinesiology.

Eh, don't look too closely at what some of our guys major in . . .
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Jaxbuck;1614111; said:
Look at his buddy stroking Tebows head. :sick1:

Is it just me or is that a little beyond the normal pick me up pat on the back you normally see?

Steve19;1615656; said:
They're obviously a close team.

Jaxbuck;1615663; said:
Hey, if having a 300lb heavily tattooed man hold you close while you weep, stroke your head and gently whisper "it will be ok" on national TV is wrong......

You guys obviously never played team sports. You don't seem to understand just how close you become with your teammates when you compete together. Now, I never actually made any varsity or junior varsity teams when I was in high school, and I certainly didn't participate in collegiate athletics, but I was in Bible club at Oral Roberts, so that's pretty much the same thing. Let me tell you, I was very close with the the guys I studied the scripture with. It's really a by product of how much time you spend together with your peers when you're a member of a club or sports team. I mean, we ate together, travelled together, spent endless nights together, showered together, often fell asleep next to one another. You form a bond with men you're around that often; a bond that defies traditional social construct and should not be judged by a bunch of internet board posters. Sure, outside of the team/club structure, it may be frowned upon to stroke another man's head, or give him a long, drawn-out hug, or gently tickle the back of his neck, or masturbate with him. But when we're talking team sports and clubs, that's totally legit and acceptable. It's no wonder the Gators have been such a dominant team while Tebow has been at the helm. This is obviously a very tightly knit team that truly shares every experience.
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Jagdaddy;1615630; said:
Eh, don't look too closely at what some of our guys major in . . .

And I would think it was ridiculous if they were being pimped by the media as the second coming of Mike Lanese or Craig Krenzel.

I don't have a problem with football players hiding out in an easy major as long as it's one available to the general student body. Just don't pretend that because you pull a 3.5 majoring in home economics that you're the equal of a student who's doing the same in economics or physics or engineering.
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Ted Haggard;1615685; said:
If I can keep you from fornicating in your golden years, then I guess I'm doin' God's work.

Talk like that only opens the door to the devil...

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ORD_Buckeye;1615690; said:
And I would think it was ridiculous if they were being pimped by the media as the second coming of Mike Lanese or Craig Krenzel.

I don't have a problem with football players hiding out in an easy major as long as it's one available to the general student body. Just don't pretend that because you pull a 3.5 majoring in home economics that you're the equal of a student who's doing the same in economics or physics or engineering.

Got ya . . . and my view is identical to yours.
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ORD_Buckeye;1615690; said:
And I would think it was ridiculous if they were being pimped by the media as the second coming of Mike Lanese or Craig Krenzel.

I don't have a problem with football players hiding out in an easy major as long as it's one available to the general student body. Just don't pretend that because you pull a 3.5 majoring in home economics that you're the equal of a student who's doing the same in economics or physics or engineering.
Actually, considering the time demands on someone like Tebow, I would consider the 3.5 a pretty damn impressive feat. From the moment he wakes up until the moment when his head hits the pillow, he is either in class, or at practice, watching game film, in meetings with coaches, doing interviews or trying to escape from journalists trying to do interviews, trying to keep up with his prison ministry and the other charitable and church related functions that are central to his life. The demands upon his time are as crushing as anything you or I could imagine outside of being a celebrity.

I don't think people factor that in when they talk his major, when virtually every second of his time is spoken for outside of class.
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Gatorubet;1615716; said:
Actually, considering the time demands on someone like Tebow, I would consider the 3.5 a pretty damn impressive feat. From the moment he wakes up until the moment when his head hits the pillow, he is either in class, or at practice, watching game film, in meetings with coaches, doing interviews or trying to escape from journalists trying to do interviews, trying to keep up with his prison ministry and the other charitable and church related functions that are central to his life. The demands upon his time are as crushing as anything you or I could imagine outside of being a celebrity.

I don't think people factor that in when they talk his major, when virtually every second of his time is spoken for outside of class.

He's so busy, maybe he actually is still a virgin.
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