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BB73;1615724; said:
He's so busy, maybe he actually is still a virgin.
You must have missed the part about Timmy's prison ministy. He really packs them in at the old jailhouse. :biggrin:

One at a time of course, otherwise he would be too sore to play football.

I keed! I keed!

I have no prob with the Timster himself. Great athlete, passion for the game unmatched by any other right now, and a very good human being in general.

My problem is the constant media ejaculation of everything Tebow.

Honestly, during the games this past weekend, ESPiN (which actually should be renamed to Everything Tebow!! Yay!!) kept rolling a ticker stating that their "experts" (HAHAHAHA!!!) came up with a Heisman list based on historical voting and stats and this and that, and the almighty Tebow will run away with the trophey based on what they analyzed. THIS is what pisses me off when I hear the name Tebow. Not the man himself, but the unwarranted sainthood of him by the media.

On a side note, I was at Flannigan's near Markham Park (btwn Ft
Lauderdale and Miami) to watch the second half of the game with a couple freinds visiting from Ohio. Not one person in the whole bar was rooting on the Gators. I was pretty shocked since Gator fans are all over down here. But, when they showed Timmy crying late in the fourth, the whole bar started laughing. I think this shows people all over have tired of the the Tebow media blitz.
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buxfan4life;1615780; said:
I think this shows people all over have tired of the the Tebow media blitz.

Yep. For years. I think part of it is the four MNCs since 2006 in fb and bb with the fear that we might get a back to back FB to go with our back to back BB. Talk about obnoxious if we'd done that? :biggrin: Bashing TEbow is both Tebow fatigue and Gator fatigue all rolled into one. I mean, I get it. It is kind of like me rooting against Dallas during their glory years. "America's Team" being forced fed down my gullet by the press until I wanted to puke. So I naturally hoped they'd lose every game.

I just hate to see the hatred spewed at Tebow by a lot of people because of idiot journalists. Every time somebody says something stupid like the "better person after meeting Tebow for 15 minutes" there would be a follow up of Tebow bashing posts, and all Tim had to do with it was be on TV helping lead his team to a fourth quarter win in the BCSCG when the stupid comment was made.
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buxfan4life;1615780; said:
You must have missed the part about Timmy's prison ministy. He really packs them in at the old jailhouse. :biggrin:

One at a time of course, otherwise he would be too sore to play football.

I keed! I keed!

I have no prob with the Timster himself. Great athlete, passion for the game unmatched by any other right now, and a very good human being in general.

My problem is the constant media ejaculation of everything Tebow.

Honestly, during the games this past weekend, ESPiN (which actually should be renamed to Everything Tebow!! Yay!!) kept rolling a ticker stating that their "experts" (HAHAHAHA!!!) came up with a Heisman list based on historical voting and stats and this and that, and the almighty Tebow will run away with the trophey based on what they analyzed. THIS is what [censored]es me off when I hear the name Tebow. Not the man himself, but the unwarranted sainthood of him by the media.

I think that sums up the feeling of the majority of fans. ESPN, ABC and CBS have anointed him something he is not and never will be (the greatest ever). If they would just allow him to be who he is you wouldn't see all this venom directed at him.
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It will be glorious - until the final score when the Gators fans and players are looking up in disbelief that their team, led by a man who just has a look of "Not while I"m QB will I lose". A team that was so dominant, with such a great head coach - how could a loss of this magnitude have occured?

... I posted that 11/28.

I predicted the Gators would have a blowout loss. I did however say it would be against Texas (which I still would have prefered)

Either way, its a matter of how many days I was off on said blowout loss.

Tebow's a great guy off the field and a general on it, but I'm sick of the hype this team and he recieved during the off-season, and through the course of it. The only problem is it'll start back up once UF smokes Cincy and Tebow prep's for the Draft. :(
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1. The myth of Tim Tebow
Screaming at the defense didn't turn things around in the SEC Championship. Yelling "Let's go!!!" and wildly waving the arms didn't make Florida block and tackle better. Tebow didn't have a miserable game against Alabama; the coaching staff did. It was a poorly called game, the adjustments didn't work, and Alabama looked far better prepared. But Florida wasn't properly energized, and some Gators actually said that Alabama played with more fire. Who's fault is that?

Of course it's the coaching staff's fault for not pushing the right buttons, but if Tebow really is worthy of being a Heisman finalist, which he's not, then all that screaming, yelling, posturing, and extra garbage that surrounds his game should've made the difference. It didn't, and that game should've kept him out of New York. It didn't.

That Tebow is a Heisman finalist over C.J. Spiller and Case Keenum is an embarrassment and it should lead to a weeding out process of the voters. For those who couldn't wait to submit their ballot and did so before the final weekend of the regular season, they should be called out for their impatience. And those who made Tebow one of the top three after last weekend should be purged for their idiocy.

Tebow is one of the greatest players in college football history, but this year he was just another guy and this Florida season, considering the returning talent and the goals set, is now a complete and utter failure. Let this be a lesson to those NFL types who think personality and motivational skills mean more than talent and ability.

Scout.com: Cavalcade, Part 2 - USC's Lousy Finish

I hope Carson Palmer (voted Tebow #1 on Heisman ballot) reads this.
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buckeyesin07;1617646; said:
Scout.com: Cavalcade, Part 2 - USC's Lousy Finish
That Tebow is a Heisman finalist over C.J. Spiller and Case Keenum is an embarrassment and it should lead to a weeding out process of the voters. For those who couldn't wait to submit their ballot and did so before the final weekend of the regular season, they should be called out for their impatience. And those who made Tebow one of the top three after last weekend should be purged for their idiocy.

Nice. "You didn't vote the way I think you should have, and therefore, you don't deserve to vote anymore."

As much as I hate to say it, Tim Tebow is a class-act. He is a great athlete, and a great person off the field. I admit that I want to see him lose, but that's because he's always winning. I think I've been rooting for him to lose also because I don't want to see anyone else win a second Heisman (unless he also plays for Ohio State). However, I think that someone will win a second Heisman. And I'd much rather the honor go to someone like Tim Tebow than to some dirtbag who doesn't respect the opponents, his own teammates and coaches, the fans, or the game, itself.

However, I don't think that Tebow deserves the Heisman for this year. I've heard some opinions from callers on Rivals Radio that he ought to get it as a lifetime achievement because "he is the greatest college football player of all time, and if Archie has 2, Tebow ought to have 2." I hope that a lot of voters don't share these opinions, though.

College football needs more Tim Tebows.
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Zurp;1617904; said:
Nice. "You didn't vote the way I think you should have, and therefore, you don't deserve to vote anymore."

As much as I hate to say it, Tim Tebow is a class-act. He is a great athlete, and a great person off the field. I admit that I want to see him lose, but that's because he's always winning. I think I've been rooting for him to lose also because I don't want to see anyone else win a second Heisman (unless he also plays for Ohio State). However, I think that someone will win a second Heisman. And I'd much rather the honor go to someone like Tim Tebow than to some dirtbag who doesn't respect the opponents, his own teammates and coaches, the fans, or the game, itself.

However, I don't think that Tebow deserves the Heisman for this year. I've heard some opinions from callers on Rivals Radio that he ought to get it as a lifetime achievement because "he is the greatest college football player of all time, and if Archie has 2, Tebow ought to have 2." I hope that a lot of voters don't share these opinions, though.

College football needs more Tim Tebows.

Maybe if we had more we wouldn't be constantly hearing about the one we have :biggrin:

Seriously, I have a big problem with him winning the statue this year. Did his year deserve it? Not even fucking close. Is it a lifetime achievement award? Fine, he has one already. Is he the...GREATEST PLAYER OF ALL TIMES IN HISTORY 4EVER AND EVER? (sorry, had to dodge Gary Danielson's shooting "end product" there, back to typing) There's no way you can anoint anyone that, so that doesn't fly that he NEEDS 2 in order to VALIDATE it. Is he a great guy off the field? Sure, yeah, sounds like it (except not getting laid though...what's up with that? :lol:) But there are a lot of guys who were great guys off the field who gained 1100 yards for Blowhole State who didn't finish in the top 100 of the Heisman balloting. No matter what criteria anyone puts out there, I just don't see ANY justification for it at all. Not to say he wasn't a great player...he won the trophy the year he should have.
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Zurp;1617904; said:
And I'd much rather the honor go to someone like Tim Tebow than to some dirtbag who doesn't respect the opponents, his own teammates and coaches, the fans, or the game, itself.
I had no idea he wanted Weis as a Heisman finalist - I'll have to read that article.

Zurp;1617904; said:
College football needs more Tim Tebows.
The cloning factory is on the left ...
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Gatorubet;1615797; said:
Yep. For years. I think part of it is the four MNCs since 2006 in fb and bb with the fear that we might get a back to back FB to go with our back to back BB. Talk about obnoxious if we'd done that? :biggrin: Bashing TEbow is both Tebow fatigue and Gator fatigue all rolled into one. I mean, I get it. It is kind of like me rooting against Dallas during their glory years. "America's Team" being forced fed down my gullet by the press until I wanted to puke. So I naturally hoped they'd lose every game.

I just hate to see the hatred spewed at Tebow by a lot of people because of idiot journalists. Every time somebody says something stupid like the "better person after meeting Tebow for 15 minutes" there would be a follow up of Tebow bashing posts, and all Tim had to do with it was be on TV helping lead his team to a fourth quarter win in the BCSCG when the stupid comment was made.

I have to agree with you... Im not a gator fan in the least, actually I cant stand them. But now the gator fans see what tOSU has been going through the past couple years since we won the NC in 02 and went in 06 and 07 fans in general hated the buckeye because we were always in the spot light. Let the haters hate. If fans from other teams hate your team, its because your team is winning and they are not.

As far as Tebow. I personally dont mind it. I think this kid is great for college football. with all the bad things that happen in cfb, drugs, murders, ect ect. Its kinda nice to hear the good things, granted its exstream sometimes, but hey, the guy is 22 years old and living life the way alot of us parents would want thier kids to be. He cant help the media spot light. I put it it terms of if he was at tOSU I would be down right greatful that we had someone like this on our team(and we do its just not glorified like tebow) . So for that I cant hate it.
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NFBuck;1629775; said:
Classic e!spn...

In a segment on Tebow's NFL future, Todd :slappy: McShay brings in Phil [censored]in' Savage (the guy who traded up to draft Brady Quinn) to evaluate Timmy's NFL future. Brilliant. :lol:

I didn't get the point of that segment. Wouldn't you try and drive one point home? Like he's not going to do anything in the pros or he's going to surprise everyone. You've got McAsshat saying he isn't going to cut it. Then you've got guys like Troy Aikman(who has actually played some NFL football I think) who is saying he could end up being better than what everyone thinks.
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WTF is this:

Health and fitness | T-Bow fitness equipment | Gym equipment

Even complete in Gator colors.

I think somebody needs to call his lawyer.
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