Pass pro was dreadful.
Playcalling was weak.
Perimeter blocking was terrible, later replaced by mediocre.
Passing accuracy was dreadful, later replaced with mediocre.
Considering the pattern is continuing without Herman, folks need to shift their gaze to the actual head playcaller.
Meaning Urb right? If that's what you mean I think it's a great point. When not feeling confident (in the playcallers ability, in the weather, etc etc) Urb goes far too conservative. And he's the kind of guy who defenitely self evaluates.
When he says something is his fault, like after the Sparty loss this year everyone assumes he's 100% taking the flack for his staff when the reality is, like any great leader he knows it's a little of both. Partly on him and partly on the staff.
His mantra is always "we don't blame, complain and point fingers" and I respect that immensely. Having said that, follow the chain of events after the previous Sparty loss- Urb seemed to trust TH more and things improved (although there are a ton of other factors that came into the improvement). So, where does that leave us? Totally in the dark with regards to Urbs thoughts about Beck.
But, clearly he is on the clock. He's going to have to show Urb that he can handle it before Urb will hand over the reigns like he ultimately needs to. Coach Ed moving to the box doesn't bode well for this as a litmus test. Example 2 will be the bowl game although I believe Urb has already stated that it will again be the case.
What I suspect is that Urb will really lean on Coach Eds opinion here w/ regards to feedback on how helpful of an "assistant" Beck is to coach Ed. And I suspect he will be watching him closely during bowl practice. But to think the Sparty loss itself is 100% on Beck is a mistake.
I suspect Urb has a hard time seeing someone failing to win with the chess pieces he helped create and when he sees it happening he takes back control (too conservatively) and plays from a defensive - guard your king at all costs - mentality. And that's why we lost to Sparty.