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Manly fo' sho;
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BUCKYLE;1328512; said:
It's starting to get managable. In a week or two, I could probably decorate it with Buckeyes. Too bad I didn't start before the season, or we'd be undefeated and I'd have a beard full of Buckeye's for The Game.

There are so many things you'll be able to do. The front-bun, the french twist, all sorts of braids... we might need to have a makeover party. One hairband and two bobby pins and you can have dozens of styles that go easily from day to night-on-the-town.

Oh! The Princess Leia thingmabobs would be wicked killer.
Upvote 0
Deety;1328941; said:
There are so many things you'll be able to do. The front-bun, the french twist, all sorts of braids... we might need to have a makeover party. One hairband and two bobby pins and you can have dozens of styles that go easily from day to night-on-the-town.

Oh! The Princess Leia thingmabobs would be wicked killer.

Let's not get carried away...
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OCBucksFan;1328958; said:
Week 6, the Buckeyes have not lost since I quit shaving, my neck has hair, but I am going to sacrifice my neck for the best of the team.

I'm on day 68 of regular beard...day 18 of neck beard. It no longer itches at all...and chicks are digging it...not that I care. I've grown two inches since I started. I picked up a car the other day...I don't think it's a coincidence. Beard = Power...and it's only going to get crazier from here.

May Beanie have mercy on the souls of those that oppose me.
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Deety;1328941; said:
There are so many things you'll be able to do. The front-bun, the french twist, all sorts of braids... we might need to have a makeover party. One hairband and two bobby pins and you can have dozens of styles that go easily from day to night-on-the-town.

Oh! The Princess Leia thingmabobs would be wicked killer.

I'll bring the Topsy Tail!!

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