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Nutriaitch;1326144; said:
tonight would be a good night to have a really thinck beard.

going to be frigid in Death Valley

temp supposed to drop to around 40

Ohio winters can be brutal. Last one wasn't anything to sneeze at...

I got a compliment last night from a very attractive young lady. She said my beard was awesome. I told her "I know". She lol'd.
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Give me the cold!!! I have a jacket I have never worn in LA. The summers zap my energy and I lose weight.

It is funny to see how the Southern half of the country reacts to cold. I have seen jackets, hats and gloves already and like nutria said the low has been upper 30" lower 40's, but it quickly warmed up to the 60's and 70's. Last night was warm and muggy!

No beard for me, I would be a candidate for the greybeard commercials.
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Best Buckeye;1328513; said:
Maybe you could get some hair from Tron's momma's arms and back and just glue it on to cover up the bare spots on your face. :biggrin:

Bare spots?

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C'mon we have all seen a picture of Tron's momma before. stop trying to BS us.
I think I found one from earlier in the thread that is supposed to be someone from Newark, Not sure ya know....
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