But when Tony shows up he makes his position clear. Because Phil intends not just to execute Tony B, but to torture him, Tony S. will not hand him over. "I'm offering him the same protection I would offer to any of you under similar circumstances," he says. "We're a family," Tony reminds them, which means protecting your own. Silvio, however, sees things differently and when he and Tony are alone, he speaks his mind. "It's about you don't want to eat shit from Johnny," he says, adding, "There's seven deadly sins and yours is pride."<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>
When Phil Leotardo visits Johnny Sack in jail he assures him he's playing nice, but complains that Tony wants the same split on the Office Park deal as the Esplanade. Phil tells him to hold firm---"But don't turn it into World War III."<o:p></o:p>
After much delay, Phil shows up for a meeting at the Bada Bing offering 50k for Eli's troubles. That settled, they move on to the Office Park. When Tony agrees to a 65/35 split, Christopher balks. "I'm not caving, it's a strategy," Tony explains. "Johnny's in jail. You keep him happy, he'll keep a lid on Phil."<o:p></o:p>
Phil Leotardo loses all respect for Johnny but Tony sticks up for him: "I've seen tougher guys than John cry at weddings. Comes to daughters, all bets are off."<o:p></o:p>
Tony makes Phil come to Jersey for a meeting. "I gotta draw lines," he tells Silvio. Phil tells Tony he can't make five no-show jobs work anymore on the Tidelands project. "I, me, my." I'm hearin' a lotta that from you lately," notes Tony. Phil tells him that as long as Johnny's "folding laundry in Danbury" Phil's in charge and he's made his decision.<o:p></o:p>
Phil confronts Tony. "You said you were gonna take care of that fuckin' finook." Tony decides that Vito has to go, otherwise it will be war with Phil. "It's the right decision," says Silvio. They decide Carlo should handle it.<o:p></o:p>
Bobby busts into the Pork store with news that Vito was found beaten to death at a motel in Fort Lee. Tony acts like it's no big deal...he saved them the trouble. But to Silvio he confides that this is Phil disrespecting Tony, showing him he can do whatever he wants to Tony's captains. Silvio suggests an eye for an eye but Tony doesn't want to start a blood bath. He wants to hit him where it will hurt instead. "All Phil cares about is fuckin' money."
I believe tensions are going to boil over soon. Particulary the recent scene with Phil and TS. They meet at the statue. When Tony gets pissed about the Vito situation and walks away, the flock of birds all fly away. I feel that it was a strong foreshadowing of what is to come...NY vs NJ. Not to mention the 2 made guys who have been taken out lately (Vito and Dom). I think there has been bad blood all along, especially when TS causes Phil to wreck his car due to hip skipping out on payment. Tony B, Vito, Dom and Phil's brother continue to fuel the fire.
Just my take. Hopefully it will be a good finale 2 hrs I believe, after that we all begin the waiting game again