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The Polls (AP, Coaches, & CFP, etc.)

I think the AP poll looks good, personally. B1G has more top 20 teams than the SEC..... neither Bama nor Clemson at #1.

There's a huge SEC bias, but the VERY best outcome for the B1G would be PSU, tOSU, Bama, LSU in the CFP and let the fur fly. As much as I want to beat the Peds with ttun savagery, this year a 10 pointer..... gives them some hope vs Clemson/OU. That's good for the B1G in the long run.

FINALLY, Clemson's soft schedule is hurting them a little. They look, and are, weak but well coached.

Imagine a B1G/SEC CFP.... . "Many Shubs and Zuuls knew what it was to be roasted in the depths of a Sloar that day I can tell you...."

Ghostbusters references always get likes. And to stay on topic I think the Pedsters would have a punchers chance vs Clemson.
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A breakdown of Ohio State's Week 9 votes:

#1: 17 votes
#2: 18 votes
#3: 17 votes
#4: 10 votes

Notable: Our old buddy Brett McMurphy had Ohio State #5 last week, moved the Buckeyes to #2 this week.

Link for those that want to browse around. https://collegepolltracker.com/football/

Interesting that Alabama received more first place votes (21) than anyone else but the 25 ballots that has them slotted in third place dropped them to 2nd overall.
Upvote 0
A breakdown of Ohio State's Week 9 votes:

#1: 17 votes
#2: 18 votes
#3: 17 votes
#4: 10 votes

Notable: Our old buddy Brett McMurphy had Ohio State #5 last week, moved the Buckeyes to #2 this week.

Eww, I kinda preferred it when he us at 5.

i knew you was an Irish fan

It's the best way to drink coffee after dinner.
Or get over a cold.
Or wakeup on a Sunday.
Or salve your bruises and aches after a hard days work.

Now ESPN has a reason to adjust FPI.

Forced Propaganda Index
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