Retired Super Hero
not to rub it in, but reading some of these last few responses makes me very thankful and reminds me how fortunate i am that my team sinks a lot of resources into their baseball program.
it’s very difficult to get boosters to buy in initially though. because Baseball isn’t an automatic generator of revenue. But if you spend the money and build a winner, the money will follow.
not sure how easy it would be in Columbus being so close to not just one, but two MLB teams and even a AAA team all competing for baseball eyes.
we have the advantage of not having any teams within about 4-1/2 hours, and the next closest is over 6 hours away and no minor league teams in state either.
it’s very difficult to get boosters to buy in initially though. because Baseball isn’t an automatic generator of revenue. But if you spend the money and build a winner, the money will follow.
not sure how easy it would be in Columbus being so close to not just one, but two MLB teams and even a AAA team all competing for baseball eyes.
we have the advantage of not having any teams within about 4-1/2 hours, and the next closest is over 6 hours away and no minor league teams in state either.