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The Masters Tournament 2010

Ernie has had enough...

From link:

Augusta, Georgia - Another year at the Masters, another flop, and Ernie Els says he has had enough.

"I tell you it's killing me," he said after a third round of 75 quashed any remaining hopes he had for this year.

Making it all the more galling this time around is the fact that the big South African, six months into his fourth decade, came into Augusta as one of the hottest players in the tour.

In what signalled a distinct revival in his fortunes, Els won back-to-back tournaments in the buildup to the year's first major at the World Golf Championship CA Championship and the Arnold Palmer Invitational.

It all started well on Thursday as Els moved up the leaderboard early on, but a double-bogey six at the 18th took the wind out of his sails.

Thereafter, he was never a factor and by the end of Saturday's third round, when he shot four over 39 on the back nine, he was a distant 15 shots behind leader Lee Westwood.

"That first day double-bogey on 18," said Els shaking his head.

"I played beautifully ... but to finish like that. It all started going down to script until the 18th hole Thursday."


It has left the normally easy-going Els morbidly fatalistic about his chances of ever winning a Masters green jacket.

"If it's not going to happen, it's not going to happen," he said.

"What can you do? I'm just beating my head against the wall every time.

"I've had a good attitude and the game was there (this year). Everything was there. We just don't gel.

"It has done it to a bunch of people and I'm probably one of them. I mean, go down the list - (Tom) Weiskopf, (Greg) Norman, (Johnny) Miller and many, many others.

"It'll be something that's a huge void in my career, but if I'm not going to do it, I can't worry about this anymore.

"I'm killing myself and I don't want to do it anymore."

Els said he would limit his ambitions to bettering par in Sunday's final round, after which he would spend a few weeks taking stock of things before moving onto the US Open at Pebble Beach and the British Open at St Andrews - two courses he believes can be kinder to him than Augusta National.

"I've had a great start and I could win four, five or six tournaments this year and that's what I'm looking forward to," he said. -
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TheRob8801;1688846; said:
Would you have made it? :wink2:

It's tough hearing Ernie so melancholy...but he's right, sometimes it's just not in the cards. If he didn't have everything going on in his life that he does, I'd bet he'd be a little bit more optimistic...

I am a big Ernie fan but (a) he didn't do what he needed to do to get in top physical condition or practice enough the last ten years, possibly because of the realities of life for a family man raising an autistic child (b) he had a freak injury on a sailboat that ripped his knee apart, (c) Augusta just doesn't seem to set up for his game, and (d) he's forty. He'll win again and he's got a lot of golf left but I doubt that he will be back in Augusta.
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THEWOOD;1688841; said:
what a garbage shot by Phil..thats pathetic

Not that bad of a shot really, he knew he could try to be perfect and if not he could get it up and down from the bunker....the bad thing was the little snafu on the putt which wasn't his fault...if not for that he walks away with a birdie...
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